Comfort Flow Heating Blog:
Archive for July, 2024

Why Is My AC So Noisy During Cooling Cycles?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Sometimes air conditioners operate louder than they should. This may be a specific problem that needs to be addressed, but sometimes certain air conditioning units are simply louder than others. The good news is, you can do something about it either way.

Reading to learn more about how air conditioning repair in Salem can help with a noisy air conditioner. We can also offer other solutions if your AC is operating perfectly normally albeit louder than you would like. 

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How Do You Choose a New Air Conditioner When the Time Comes?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If it is nearing time for you to replace your current air conditioner with a newer model, you may feel overwhelmed by the options available–but that is what our team is here for. We are the experts at air conditioning installation in Salem and we can answer all of your questions.

Just keep reading to learn more about some of the important factors to consider when choosing a new air conditioner. Then give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment where we can review the details with you and help you select the perfect solution for your family.

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