Comfort Flow Heating Blog:
Archive for February, 2025

End of Season Maintenance – It’s Not too Late!

Monday, February 24th, 2025

You’re at a fork in the road with your heater – you can schedule professional maintenance now, or you can wait to schedule the service later in the fall season. We know there are a variety of factors that can go into how you make this decision, and we hope to encourage you to prioritize the service earlier rather than later. 

Keep reading to learn about the reasons that scheduling furnace maintenance now is a great idea when you consider longevity and efficiency for your unit. Then give us a call to get an appointment on our calendar as the season winds down and we look forward to warmer weather. 

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Extending the Life of Your System: Changing Your Filters & Other Efficiency Tips!

Monday, February 10th, 2025

You may think that the regular maintenance steps you complete for your HVAC system aren’t really that big of a deal. If you do them, great! If not, does it really matter? The short answer is yes, it really does. The simple and quick steps can make a huge difference for or against both energy efficiency and longevity. 

Keep reading to learn our top recommendations for taking care of your HVAC system so that you can save money on energy costs and future repair bills. Then when you’re ready, give our team a call to get on the schedule for professional maintenance so that we can help you take HVAC care one step further.

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