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Clues That It’s Time to Call an HVAC Pro

checklist-with-red-markerImagine this scene playing out in your home: You’re in your living room, sitting on the couch relaxing. It’s an 85°F day, but that’s alright! After all, your air conditioner is blasting away, providing you with cool air that makes you feel perfectly comfortable. Until suddenly, it stops working.

What do you do next? If you’re like most folks, you probably head over to your thermostat. Maybe you see that the settings are correct and the device seems to be working okay. So next is the circuit breaker panel—did the breaker for the AC trip? Nope, that’s fine too. So what’s happening?

You go ahead and call for emergency repairs, but you have to wait because everyone’s doing the same thing on this hot day. Now you’re stuck not only feeling frustrated, but uncomfortable too.

What next?

Well, hopefully, you’ll never have this scenario play out. Read on as we uncover some major clues that it’s time to call an HVAC pro for a small repair need before it grows into a much bigger problem, like the one we just outlined.

What If AC Repairs Could Be Prevented?

They can! The first thing you should do in order to try preventing AC repairs is schedule routine maintenance each year for your air conditioner—twice a year if this is a 2-in-1 heat pump system. Consistency matters more than timing here … it’s not too late to call for spring maintenance if you skipped it!

The next step in preventing AC repairs is knowing the signs that you even have a need for AC repairs. After all, even with diligent maintenance, natural wear and tear can lead to a repair need. Keep reading as we explore some of the biggest clues it’s time to give us a call for repairs.

Restricted Airflow

Reduced airflow can be caused by a few potential things. The first thing you’ll want to check is your air filter. The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC system should be swapped out for a clean one every 1-3 months. This helps protect your air conditioner and also keeps airflow strong.

Airflow issues could alternatively be caused by breached or torn ductwork.

The best thing you can do for your air conditioner if you notice reduced airflow is to give our team a call sooner rather than later.

Low Cooling Power

So maybe the airflow is powerful enough, but the air feels lukewarm or just not as cool as it should be. The most common reason for this, at least in an aging air conditioner, is a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant is a substance that makes the whole cooling process possible. If you’re losing refrigerant from your AC, it means there is a leak that must be accurately located and repaired before you can begin using your system effectively again.


Short-cycling is the name given to the process where your AC system cycles on and off rapidly throughout the day, never actually completing a cooling cycle. AC systems use the most energy when they cycle on, so this is highly inefficient, plus it exacerbates wear and tear on the air conditioner.

Contact Comfort Flow Heating for professional service for your air conditioning in Junction City, OR.

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