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Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

5 Things We Want Everyone to Know About Air Conditioning

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

checkmark-greenAir conditioning is so common today that people tend to take it for granted. On a hot summer day, you can walk into a business and find yourself in an oasis of cool. You can switch on your home’s AC on the same day and enjoy the most relaxing summer possible. It’s almost like magic.

Except it’s not. In many ways, it’s more interesting than magic.

Allow us to pull back the curtain and open up the magician’s kit and show you some important basics about “AC magic.” Below are 5 facts about air conditioning that we wish everyone knew—because it makes it easier to take care of an AC system.

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This May Be the Reason Your AC Overheated

Monday, July 9th, 2018

thermometer-going-redAn air conditioning system is designed to tackle the heat—but like any piece of machinery, it can overheat and stop working. Just like you wouldn’t want your car’s engine to overheat while you’re on a long drive, you don’t want your AC to overheat during a sweltering summer day.

If your air conditioner has overheated and tripped a circuit breaker, we recommend you call us to service your air conditioning in Salem, OR right away. We offer 24-hour emergency service, and our trained technicians can get to the bottom of what’s wrong quickly and fix it. You definitely need pros for this service because there are a variety of reasons an air conditioner may overheat, and it takes trained technicians to figure out exactly what it is that must be fixed.

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Air Conditioning Services to Help Lower Your Cooling Costs

Monday, June 25th, 2018

money-saving-piggy-bankIf you cringe at the thought of looking at your electrical bills during the summer, this post is for you. Running the AC during the hot months places an enormous demand on the electrical system. The air conditioner’s compressor motor is extremely powerful (it has to turn liquid refrigerant into gas, after all) and it creates a noticeable spike in electrical costs when it runs. There’s no way to avoid running the compressor if you want cooling from the AC—but you can find ways to run the compressor less often.

There are many simple steps you can take to reduce AC use: close blinds during the day, run the fan only, keep the thermostat around 78°F, reduce the use of larger appliances during peak heat. But in this post, we’re looking specifically at AC services our professionals provide that can make a big difference in summer cooling costs.

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Reasons You May Have Uneven Cooling

Monday, June 11th, 2018

flushed-man-in-front-of-fanIs your air conditioning system running, but isn’t spread cooling around the house the way it should? Uneven cooling like this is a common trouble people encounter with ACs. There are many different possible causes, ranging from small glitches to serious problems that require installing a new air conditioner. Below we’re going to examine a few of the possible sources for an air conditioner that isn’t giving you even cooling this summer.

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Early Warning Signs You’ve Got AC Trouble

Monday, May 28th, 2018

air-conditioner-compressorsIf you’ve already arranged for a complete tune-up and inspection for your home’s air conditioner with our professionals, you should have a cooling system that’s ready for the summer weather. But there’s no way to stop all problems that might plague an air conditioner when it’s working. The best way to deal with potential malfunctions in an air conditioner is to know the early warning signs. That way you’ll be able to call for air conditioning repair in Salem, OR in time to have the issue corrected when it’s still small and before it can spread to create other malfunctions.

What should you watch for? Here are a few early signs of caution that it’s time to call our repair team:

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Can Ductless Air Conditioning Keep Up with Summer Heat?

Monday, April 30th, 2018

air-conditioner-blowing-airThe ductless mini split heat pump is an increasingly popular choice for both homes and businesses. For new residential and commercial building construction, a ductless system allows for more freedom in building and designing. A ductless mini split uses an outdoor unit (or more than one outdoor unit depending on how large the space they need to condition is) that connects to up to 8 indoor air handlers per outdoor unit. Each of the indoor air handlers contains a refrigerant coil and blower fan to send cooled or heated air directly into the living space.

If you’re considering going with a ductless system for your home, you may feel a bit hesitant at first. After all, those air handler units look a lot like window air conditioners, just not set into a window. Window units aren’t much good for efficiency or comfort, so you might wonder if the ductless system can really keep up with a hot summer.

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Do You Need a Spring Air Conditioning Replacement?

Monday, April 16th, 2018

comfortable-womanWe’re in the race toward summer. Why is it a race? Because the time is shortening when you can have air conditioning services like repairs and upgrades done before the hot weather arrives and AC work is much less convenient. It’s especially important to act fast on spring AC jobs if you think you need to have a new air conditioner put in.

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It’s Already Time for an Air Conditioning Tune-Up

Monday, March 19th, 2018

schedule-service-reminderThis is the first official week of spring. That doesn’t mean the weather in Oregon instantly warms up, as anybody who’s lived here for even a year knows. We’ll still experience heavy rains and cool days. But summer is not far off, and the arrival of spring is an important reminder to have your home prepared for the hot weather. That means it’s time to arrange for a tune-up for your home’s central air conditioning system.

Is This Really Necessary Each Year?

No, it’s not necessary. Your air conditioner may continue to work through the summer without having this professional service. But it’s strongly recommended by HVAC contractors and HVAC manufacturers, as well as the U.S. Department of Energy. If you want to receive the best performance and service life from your air conditioner, make sure it receives professional maintenance each spring.

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How to Protect Your Air Conditioner over Winter

Monday, October 30th, 2017

weather-seasons-non-urbanYou’ve probably run your home’s air conditioning for the last time this year. The fall Oregon weather is definitely here, and the cold weather will be sticking around until spring. Time to arrange for your annual heating maintenance with our team if you haven’t done so already.

Your AC won’t need to have its regular check-up and tune-up until spring, but it does need some special attention as it concludes its service for another year. “Winterizing” your air conditioning system isn’t complicated, and it will reward you with protecting the system from potential damage, extending its service life and making sure it has an easy time running whenever it turns on again to cool your home.

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Is It Okay if I Leave AC Repairs for Next Spring?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

air-conditioner-repairsIf you’re asking this question, it’s probably because you’ve noticed something wrong with your central air conditioning system, but it isn’t affecting cooling performance. It may be an odd grinding noise, the compressor starting and stopping more often than normal, ice appearing along the evaporator coil, an odd odor from the vents, or hot spots in some of the rooms. With fall officially starting and our cool season about to set in, you want to know if it’s really worth it to schedule repairs with HVAC technicians for the last couple weeks of warm weather.

The answer is: Yes! It’s not only worth it, it can save you money and a lot of discomfort in the long and short-term. Air conditioner repairs should be handled as soon as possible after they’re noticed, no matter how outwardly minor they may seem. Call our Eugene, OR air conditioning repair professionals—anywhere you are in Oregon!—and we’ll see that your AC doesn’t end the hot season on a sour note that will lead to later trouble.

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