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Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Are Whole Home Humidifiers Right for You? Common Pain Points & How to Solve Them

Monday, January 27th, 2025

If you’re interested in a whole-house humidifier, it’s important to understand the potential downsides. Having this knowledge ensures that you are fully prepared for the investment and care that goes into managing one of these systems. 

Keep reading to learn if a whole-house humidifier in Eugene is the right solution for your home and family. Then give us a call to complete an in-home assessment where we review precisely how one of these systems will work in your house.

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The Benefits of a Whole-Home Air Purifier

Monday, October 10th, 2022

woman-comfortable-on-her-couch-leaning-back-with-closed-eyesWhen you step outside and take a deep breath you may think to yourself, ahhhh, fresh air! We often associate the outdoors with fresh air that’s full of oxygen that keeps us healthy. But the air is also full of allergens and contaminants, too. No matter where you are, there is some combination of pollen, mold, and other particles in the air.

When you’re inside, it’s even worse. You carry in germs like viruses and bacteria that then circulate through your air and even multiply and spread. Your HVAC system has an air filter, but it can only do so much to filter out these contaminants. But an air purifier can make a huge difference in your home’s indoor air quality. If you’re interested in air purifiers in Salem, OR, our team can help.

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How Addressing Your Indoor Air Quality Can Help with Allergies

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Although spring is the worst enemy for someone with allergies, it can be a year-round issue. While you can’t do much about pollen and allergens in the outside air, you can find relief when you’re at home. Or at least you should be able to–if you have poor indoor air quality though you may encounter just as much trouble in the home as you do outside.

The easiest solution is to address your air quality by installing a whole-house air purifier in Coos Bay, OR. These are specially made to remove debris in the air such as pollen, bacteria, mold spores, and more.

Let’s take a look at how air purifiers work and they can have a significant impact on your health and overall comfort. Plus, we’ll give you a few additional signs that it would be a worthwhile investment beyond allergy complications.

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Can a Whole-House Humidifier Improve Your Home Comfort?

Monday, January 17th, 2022

two-women-sitting-back-on-couch-looking-comfortableToo much or too little humidity in a home makes the area uncomfortable and, in some cases, even problematic for health. If a home is too humid, that moisture can increase the risk of mold and mildew growth while making it sticky and uncomfortable in a home. Many people recognize this risk. 

However, if the air is too dry, that can leave a person struggling with dry skin and a sore throat. Finding the best balance is critical to comfort in a home. A whole-house humidifier may be what you need to create improved conditions.

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“Why Should I Buy a Whole-House Air Purifier Over a Portable System?”

Monday, June 7th, 2021

animated-design-of-home-interiorWhen most people think about “air quality,” they’re focused on what’s in the air outside, such as pollen or mold levels. But actually, your indoor air quality can be worse than that of outdoors, especially without the right products and services in place. With Americans spending more time indoors than ever before, it makes sense that you’d want to find the best way to make the air you breathe as healthy as possible. This is especially true if you have household members who suffer from allergies or asthma.

So, perhaps an air purifier is the answer? While it would be easy, and certainly cheaper, to go with a portable system, a whole-house system is really what’s going to do the trick. Read on to learn why.

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2 Big Ways You’ll Benefit from a Whole-House Air Purifier

Monday, March 29th, 2021

two-women-sitting-back-on-couch-looking-comfortableIf there is any home comfort problem that is collective among homeowners these days, it’s poor indoor air quality. Throughout the country, in any given household, the indoor air quality is typically far worse than the quality of the air outdoors. At least, this is the case without the right indoor air quality solutions in place.

One such solution is a whole-house air purifier. Considering that for now, Americans are still spending the majority of their time indoors, it makes sense that you want to ensure the air that you’re breathing is as healthy as possible. Read on as we uncover the power of whole-home air purifiers, and 2 big ways you’ll benefit from its installation (spoiler alert: they’re convenient and cost-effective).

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Improve the Health of Your Home with This Indoor Air Quality Product

Monday, March 1st, 2021

woman-comfortable-on-her-couch-leaning-back-with-closed-eyesHomeowners throughout the country have become more concerned than ever about the health of their indoor environments because of the ongoing pandemic. But while there is no product out there that can 100% guarantee that COVID-19 germs or any other viruses won’t be transmitted, the good news is there are steps you can take to improve the health of your personal indoor environment—your home.

One way you can do this is by investing in the right indoor air quality products. Most Americans spend about 70% of their time indoors—and these days that estimate is creeping up to 90%. You deserve the peace of mind knowing you’re living as healthfully as possible when you spend time indoors. One indoor air quality product—that there are actually a few variations of—which we want to talk about here is the whole-house air purifier.

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Forced-Air Heating and Humidity: What You Should Know

Monday, January 18th, 2021

woman-looking-cold-imposed-on-blue-backgroundIt’s a chilly winter day. You’ve just walked inside only to be greeted by static shock through everything you touch. That darn dry air! Static shock is definitely a nuisance side effect of wintertime weather.

And it doesn’t help when you run your heater, right? Forced-air heating systems like furnaces, heat pumps, or even space heaters seem to suck out moisture even more.

What’s happening is that the colder the temperatures are, the harder it is to “hold on” to humidity. The ideal relative humidity level in any home is between 30–50%, and during the winter, it’s pretty regularly under 30%.

Thankfully, there’s something you can do about this, and it doesn’t involve shutting down your heater (thank goodness!). Read on to learn more.

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Is a Whole House Air Purifier Worth the Investment?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundWe’re never going to answer this question with a “no,” but we imagine you’d like more of an explanation than that—and we’re here to give it!

Many homeowners have struggled recently with determining how to stay healthy inside their homes. “Indoor air quality” has become a buzzword of sorts, but achieving good indoor air quality is definitely not a fad! In fact, we’ve been touting the benefits of whole-house air purifiers for years now, and will continue to do so.

Keep in mind, there is no indoor air quality product that can guarantee you’ll never deal with virus transmission in your house. But using the right indoor air quality solutions can certainly help lower your risk of problems. A whole-house air purifier is one of those solutions. Read on to learn more!

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Is Your Heater Hurting Home Humidity?

Monday, January 20th, 2020

white-question-mark-in-blue-circleThe ambiguous answer to this is “yes, but also no.”

Bear with us! We get it—many homeowners think that running their forced-air heating system lowers humidity even more, and they may start even using their heaters less because of it. Dry air is absolutely uncomfortable and even unhealthy, but restricting the use of your heater won’t help you feel more comfortable.

Modern home construction has made our residences tightly sealed up against the elements. This impacts many common indoor air quality problems like dust and dirt buildup. But it also means that the air within our homes can become dry and stale. One solution to this problem is the addition of a whole-house humidifier, which we’ll touch on more below!

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