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Signs That Your Electrical Panel is Outdated

Your electrical panel is perhaps one of the most important components of your home. It helps to manage power leading to all different outlets and appliances. If your house is older, there’s a good chance that your electrical panel is older, too. If so, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel to a newer model that can handle modern technology.

You can keep reading to learn more about when to call for a total replacement or electrical panel repair in Eugene, OR. Then give our team a call to schedule your service. We can assess your electrical panel and help you determine what your next steps are.

Having a Fuse Box

Homes that were built before 1960 are more likely to have a fuse box. The presence of a fuse box is a major sign that it’s time for you to invest in an electrical upgrade for your home. Fuse boxes were replaced by electrical panels, and for a good reason. Electrical panels help to protect your home when there are power surges, but fuse boxes don’t offer the same safety. 

With an electrical panel, a breaker trips and turns off power to that particular area of your home. If you have a fuse box, the fuse blows during a power surge and you have to replace it instead of just resetting a breaker like you would with an electrical panel. Blown fuses aren’t just dangerous, they can also be a costly hassle.

Age of Your Home

Whether or not you have a fuse box, a home that is at least 25 years old probably needs an electrical upgrade. A mere 25 years ago our homes didn’t need as much power because we didn’t have as much technology as we have today. 

Your electrical panel may not have the capacity to meet your technological needs. For example, the breaker boxes being installed in homes just two decades ago were set up to handle between 60 and 100 amps. The electrical panels that are installed in homes today can handle as much as 200 amps. That’s a difference of two to three times as much electricity. 

Tripping Breakers

If breakers tend to trip when you complete everyday activities, that’s a red flag. For example, maybe you blow dry your hair for a few minutes in the bathroom and then the breaker trips and power shuts off. Or when you run your microwave alongside other household appliances, the breaker trips. 

It could be that your electrical panel isn’t set up with enough electrical powerto handle your needs, or there may be wiring issues as your home ages. Either way, it is important to seek out a solution. Many times repairs will do the job. But if electrical problems continue on, you should plan to overhaul the electrical panel for improved safety and convenience. 

Flickering Lights

Sometimes indoor lights flicker because of a power surge that passes through your home – which isn’t abnormal in older homes. If your house is newer, the lights shouldn’t flicker since it has a greater electrical capacity.

With older homes, a power surge has a greater impact since there is less electrical power available overall. If lights flicker around you house, whether it is new or old, it’s because the electrical demand is too high for your power needs. 

Your comfort is our business! Comfort Flow Heating serves all of Oregon, so contact our team today to schedule your appointment.

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