Comfort Flow Heating Blog

5 Ways to Help Out Your AC

August 31st, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitIt’s hot here in Salem, and we are sure that you’re putting your air conditioner to work. Most summers we’re sure that you just turn on your air conditioner and let it run. There’s not much more thought surrounding it because … what else is there to think about?

Well, we want to take the time to tell you that there is so much more to air conditioning service in Salem, OR. In fact, we’re here today to help you get more from your air conditioner. There are a few simple things that you can do to help out your home’s air conditioner this summer.

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Is It Time to Upgrade Your Cooling System?

August 17th, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitSummer is progressing right along, with homeowners using their air conditioners pretty consistently. Did you know this is the time of year that air conditioners are most likely to break down? At least, this is the case if you tend to skip your annual maintenance appointments and/or your system is aging.

Of course, this is the last thing you want to deal with, right? If you have an aging system or an air conditioner that’s been experiencing trouble, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer and more efficient system. But how do you know for sure when it’s time? Read on!

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Signs You Have Electrical Issues in Your Home

August 3rd, 2020

burnt-wall-outletIf your home experiences even a partial blackout, but none of your neighbors experience the same thing, then it’s pretty clear you have an electrical problem, right? You’d know to call in a professional electrician and get it fixed as soon as possible. After all, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the modern conveniences of everyday life without electricity!

Of course, when signs are more subtle—flickering lights every now and then, a constantly tripping circuit breaker—you may be more tempted to just “let it be” for now and keep on living your life. Unfortunately, this can lead not only to inconveniences but actual safety hazards too. Read on as we uncover the signs you have electrical problems, and why they matter. 

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Are You Believing This Common Air Conditioner Myth?

July 20th, 2020

close-up-photo-of-refrigerant-lineThis blog post could easily be titled A Lesson on How Refrigerant Works. 

Because that’s what we’re here to talk about–a common refrigerant myth that far too many homeowners believe, and a myth that could be costing you hundreds in repairs. Read on as we give you a quick rundown of what refrigerant actually is, what myth surrounds it, and why this all matters!

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Summer Proceeds to Benefit Education Foundations

July 17th, 2020

From now through the end of August 2020, Comfort Flow Heating will be donating a portion of our proceeds from all residential services and installations to the education foundations that serve our public schools in Eugene and Springfield.

Comfort Flow Heating is your trusted resource for your HVAC, indoor air quality, and electrical needs. Contact us today to schedule service! 



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Is Installing an Attic Fan Worth It?

July 6th, 2020

top-view-of-a-spinning-fanWhen summer hits, you want to keep your home as cool as possible, right? Sure, we don’t have the sweltering hot temperatures that they get in other parts of the country here in the Pacific Northwest, but given the contrast in our weather from season to season, summertime can be unbearable without the right home comfort systems in place, and an attic fan is a great home comfort system to consider!

The heat of the summer sun beats down on your roof for hours this time of the year, and your air conditioner has to run longer and longer the hotter it gets in order to meet your desired temperature setting on your thermostat. This essentially means that your AC is working harder than it should have to, and inefficiently so. This will soon reflect in higher energy costs and possibly even premature AC repair needs. But does an attic fan solve this problem?

Yes! Read on to learn how.

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4 Signs It’s Time to Call an HVAC Pro

June 22nd, 2020

technician-working-on-ac-unitAir conditioning repair is one of those services that you hope you never need, but know that inevitably, you will. And it’s not a service you want to wait on scheduling when you need it.

And here we are, in the time of the year that air conditioners suffer the most because of all the work they go through in the summer time. Trust us when we say, the longer you wait to have your air conditioner repaired, the more of a possibility there is that you’ll shorten the lifespan of your AC.

Of course, in order to get repairs done right away, you have to know the signs that you even need repairs, right? Well, read on! Below, we’ve uncovered some of the most common AC repair needs that homeowners face each summer, and the signs that it’s time for you to call an HVAC pro.

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AC Installation: Why It’s Not a DIY Project

June 8th, 2020

two-technicians-standing-over-outside-ac-unit-with-tool-bagWe’ll start off by saying, we totally get it. The temptation to install your own air conditioner is strong—especially when it will cost you less, right?

But unless it’s a window AC unit or a portable air conditioning system, we really do urge you to reconsider. The fact of the matter is, there are intricate steps involved that can be missed if the installation is not done by a professional, which can lead to catastrophic problems such as refrigerant leaks, inefficient operation, or even a compressor failure.

Overall, AC systems are highly complex, and require trained and experienced professionals to work with. Of course, if you’re shopping for an air conditioner in June, chances are you want to get one before summer starts in earnest. Rushing into a large investment such as this can leave you sacrificing your comfort and efficiency, however. Read on as we outline just why AC installation is not a DIY project.

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Are Your Thermostat Settings Hurting AC Efficiency?

May 25th, 2020

temperature-gaugeHere at Comfort Flow, our goal is to help our customers be as comfortable as possible, while doing so efficiently. In our last blog post, we cited some methods to do just this. One of the ideas we shared was in regards to good thermostat placement. A thermostat placed directly where sunlight hits, or in a secluded and cool area of your home, will not help your cooling efficiency.

In addition to thermostat placement, you’d do well to consider your thermostat settings. When you understand the best way to set an program your thermostat, you’ll be able to use your air conditioner in a way that will save you money on your cooling bills, while still keeping your household comfortable.
Link back to last blog post—refer to proper thermostat placement but also how thermostat settings play a role. Read on to learn more!

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Prep for Summer with These Home Efficiency Projects

May 11th, 2020

transparent-home-with-green-grass-and-blue-sky-in-background-efficiency-conceptSummertime is right around the corner, and while it doesn’t get as boiling hot here as it does in other parts of the country, we certainly do get some good use out of our air conditioners. Therefore, don’t you want yours to work as efficiently as possible? Boosting and maintaining AC efficiency is the only way to make sure your energy bills don’t skyrocket this year.

Of course, our #1 efficiency tip for homeowners is always to make sure they’re keeping up on their professional maintenance appointments, otherwise known as tune-ups. During a tune-up, our technicians thoroughly clean your system inside and out, inspect it and check if anything needs adjustment, and look for areas that may need repairs so you can get that on your schedule right away. If you haven’t scheduled your annual AC maintenance session yet this year, it’s not too late! Give us a call today.

In the meantime, read on for some more great tips on boosting AC efficiency.

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