Comfort Flow Heating Blog

It’s Never Too Early to Talk About an AC Tune-Up!

April 27th, 2020

outside-air-conditioner-unit-with-clipboard-on-topTemperatures tend to stay pretty cool in our area, but if you’ve lived here for very long you know we can be surprised by some fairly hot days in the summertime! Is your air conditioner ready for this change in the weather?

Now is the best time of the year to schedule your air conditioner’s annual maintenance session—or biannual, if you have a year-round heat pump system.

There are a few maintenance tasks you can complete on your own, like swapping out your air filter every 1-3 months and clearing away any obstructions around the outdoor unit. But a full inspection that includes adjusting and cleaning the interior of your air conditioner should be left to the pros.

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How to Tell When You need an AC Replacement

April 13th, 2020

very-old-air-conditionerIt may not seem like it now, but summer really is right around the corner. Warmer temperatures can and have snuck up on us—is your air conditioner ready? If you’re unsure, it’s time to check and see if your cooling system is, in fact, ready to get you through another warm season.

Maintenance and timely repairs, of course, are key to ensuring this is the case. But what if you have an older system? If your air conditioner is 10-15 years old and you’ve practically run it into the ground, chances are you’ll do better with a replacement rather than a repair.

Unsure? Read on to discover a few methods to determine if you’re in need of an AC replacement.

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The Coronavirus and Our Promise to You

March 30th, 2020

We know that readers usually come to our blog for informative and educational posts about the systems and services that we offer. However, as is the case across the country and the globe right now, there is one topic at the forefront of our minds. That is COVID-19, or the Coronavirus.

We understand that homeowners everywhere are exercising extreme caution when it comes to mitigating the chance of exposure to this virus in their homes. Trust us, we are doing the same in ours. And we promise you that every member of our team will take these same precautions when working in your home and on your property.

If you have an appointment scheduled with Comfort Flow Heating, rest assured that we’ll continue to provide you with the exceptional service that you deserve in this uncertain and trying time, and that we’ll do so while making your health and safety our top priority.

Our entire staff is well aware that prevention starts at their homes, that it continues in the workplace, and that it extends into the residences of our valued clients. They have the information and supplies that they need to do their jobs while protecting both themselves and the clients that they serve.

In order to protect our clients and staff, we will be taking the following precautions.

  • Use of non-latex surgical gloves, shoe covers, face masks, full clean room suits (upon request).
  • We have no touch thermometers at our facilities (your technician’s temp taken by request)
  • Each of our vehicles are stocked with hand sanitizer, our technicians and installers are instructed to wash their hands after each call, and before their next, as well as a follow up of hand sanitizer and gloves worn in your home.
  • All of these items are thrown away after each call and we wear new in every home.

If you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming appointment, or if you are thinking about booking an appointment but want to know more about our specific preventative measures, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team

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Don’t Let Your Heater Go Out with a Bang!

March 30th, 2020

woman-covering-her-ears-with-shocked-expression-on-face“Going out with a bang”—this phrase is often used to describe something exciting, like the end of the year leading into the New Year, or a quarterback scoring a touchdown at the very last second of a game. What you don’t want it to describe, is your heater.

The thing is, a loud banging sound coming from your heater is a sign of impending failure, something that nobody wants. And this isn’t the only noise you should be concerned about. As our heating season slowly but surely gives way to spring and warmer temperatures, the time to take care of any heating repair needs you may have is now!

Read on as we uncover what a banging noise or any other noise might mean for your heater.

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Is It Too Late to Talk about Furnace Maintenance?

March 16th, 2020

technician-inspecting-and-maintaining-gas-furnaceIt may seem strange to talk about furnace maintenance when our heating systems have already gotten their heaviest use for the year over the past several months. And it’s true, the ideal time to schedule this service is in the early Fall, before you need the system the most.

But unless your furnace has completely broken down to the point that you cannot use it at all and repairs would be fruitless, it’s not too late to have your heater maintained. And considering we experience cooler temperatures throughout the year, it’s never a bad idea to have maintenance done if it’s been a year or longer since your last tune-up!

We get that this may seem like a hassle, but trust us when we say that furnace maintenance makes a huge difference in not only your comfort but your energy bills, too. Keep reading for a few of the biggest benefits of scheduling furnace maintenance now.

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Signs Your Heater Wants to Call It Quits

March 2nd, 2020

couple-sitting-on-couch-with-parkas-onThe weather here in our area of the world is fairly consistent. Meaning, it’s fairly consistently cold! Therefore, our heaters pretty much need to be ready to work at a moment’s notice. The best way to ensure that your heater is always ready for whatever you ask of it is to schedule routine annual maintenance for the system—or more often if you’re using a heat pump system.

Of course, even with maintenance, a heater can and will experience repair needs and performance problems. This is especially true for aging heaters. But a furnace repair need doesn’t have to get you down for too long! If you know what signs to watch out for, you can get ahead of these issues before they grow into something much bigger and causes your heater to call it quits for good.

What are these signs?

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When Should You Upgrade Your Electrical Panel?

February 17th, 2020

electrician-working-on-electrical-panelAlso known as the circuit breaker panel, the electrical panel of your home is what controls your entire electrical system—incoming electricity is routed to the different circuits through this hub, and the breakers are designed to shut off circuits if there is a voltage overload.

If you have an aging circuit breaker panel, however, or worse yet a fuse box, chances are that you are very much overdue for an electrical panel. Most circuit breaker panels last anywhere form 25-40 years before they need replacing. This is largely depending on how much the electrical demand of the home has increased, and if you’ve experienced any problems with the panel.

Read on to learn more about how to tell if you need an electrical panel upgrade!

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Power Surges: What You Need to Know

February 3rd, 2020

power-stripIf your home is like most throughout the Eugene area, then there is more electrical equipment in it than even just a couple of decades ago, right? You likely have multiple devices connected to your power supply at any given time. You likely have a handful of charging stations handling your portable devices, too.

What’s the best way to protect them in the case of a power surge? It’s important to know the answer to this since power surges actually happen all the time (not just when there is a storm) and voltage spikes can and will cause irreparable damage to complex electrical systems.

“Do I really need to worry?” you may be asking, “After all, I have power strips at all of my outlets!”

Here’s the thing—power strips don’t offer the kind of protection your appliances and electrical equipment needs. Whole-house surge protection is the answer. Read on to learn more!

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Is Your Heater Hurting Home Humidity?

January 20th, 2020

white-question-mark-in-blue-circleThe ambiguous answer to this is “yes, but also no.”

Bear with us! We get it—many homeowners think that running their forced-air heating system lowers humidity even more, and they may start even using their heaters less because of it. Dry air is absolutely uncomfortable and even unhealthy, but restricting the use of your heater won’t help you feel more comfortable.

Modern home construction has made our residences tightly sealed up against the elements. This impacts many common indoor air quality problems like dust and dirt buildup. But it also means that the air within our homes can become dry and stale. One solution to this problem is the addition of a whole-house humidifier, which we’ll touch on more below!

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Buying a New Furnace? Avoid These Mistakes!

January 6th, 2020

furnace-gas-with-pipesIf the time has come for you to purchase a new furnace, you’re likely tempted to rush to buy the biggest and best you can afford. But we urge you to slow down—just a bit—and consider a few factors first. For instance, did you know that too large of a furnace will be just as detrimental to your comfort and efficiency as a system that’s too small?

This is one of the reasons you need a trained and experienced professional to help you with your purchase. Read on as we uncover some of the mistakes we’ve seen other homeowners make.

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