Comfort Flow Heating Blog

How Addressing Your Indoor Air Quality Can Help with Allergies

August 1st, 2022

Although spring is the worst enemy for someone with allergies, it can be a year-round issue. While you can’t do much about pollen and allergens in the outside air, you can find relief when you’re at home. Or at least you should be able to–if you have poor indoor air quality though you may encounter just as much trouble in the home as you do outside.

The easiest solution is to address your air quality by installing a whole-house air purifier in Coos Bay, OR. These are specially made to remove debris in the air such as pollen, bacteria, mold spores, and more.

Let’s take a look at how air purifiers work and they can have a significant impact on your health and overall comfort. Plus, we’ll give you a few additional signs that it would be a worthwhile investment beyond allergy complications.

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Comfort Flow’s Guide to AC Repair

July 18th, 2022

two-techs-working-on-acAC repair in Coos Bay is one of those services that require extensive knowledge and effort. This often prevents most people from completing the repairs on their own, as it should. For those who live in overly hot areas or who have a large number of residents within their homes, this can be highly frustrating. This is especially the case when you are on a budget or otherwise struggle to find the money for unexpected repairs. 

However, you can ultimately save money by not cutting corners, and having a professional manage your repair needs. Luckily, by taking the time to learn more about AC repairs, you will learn the signs that your air conditioner needs to be serviced, and call our pros right away, which can prevent costlier damages from occurring. With that in mind, the following is a short guide to AC repair. 

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Signs That You Need to Call an Electrician

July 4th, 2022

two-electricians-working-on-panelHomeowners don’t tend to think about their electrical system a whole lot… unless they’re installing something that requires wiring. The truth is though, even just the addition of more electronics or appliances to your home can be the reason you call an electrician. Or if you notice things like lights flickering or hot switches in the house. We’re going to talk about these signs and more below.

If you notice any strange symptoms, or if you’re about to have another big appliance or electronic installed, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel. Read on to learn more!

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Heed These Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

June 20th, 2022

outside-ac-unitYour AC unit doesn’t talk, so how do you know when it needs repairs? Well, it might not speak in actual words, but AC units actually do make it obvious when they need servicing. 

However, you have to know what to be looking for or you’ll miss your unit’s cries for help. Check out these common signs that your air conditioner needs repair. 

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Why Rooftop HVAC Units Are a Good Idea for Businesses

June 6th, 2022

rooftop-units-on-buildingPlacing commercial HVAC systems on the roof of a business offers many benefits to that location. These systems are larger, and they tend to take up a lot of space. If you are in the process of designing a new space or you need to replace your existing system, there are a few key reasons why you’ll want to consider the benefits of a rooftop unit. 

Work with a company providing commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR, to ensure you are making the best choice for your space.

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How to Boost AC Efficiency and Save Money

May 23rd, 2022

persons-hands-with-pen-and-calculator-and-energy-efficient-home-iconAir conditioning efficiency is a very big part of creating a comfortable and healthy living space throughout the hot summer months in Oregon. With rising energy costs, many of today’s homeowners want to find simple but effective ways to get the most out of their air conditioner. The key to remember here is that air conditioning efficiency really starts with the things you do to maintain and protect your system. Here are a few ways that you can get the most out of your system.

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The Benefits of a Packaged AC System for Your Business

May 9th, 2022

rooftop-hvac-systemsInvesting in a new HVAC system can be a bit overwhelming for even the most skilled business owner or commercial property manager, especially when it’s an emergency replacement. There are many options to choose from, with one of the most popular being rooftop packaged units. This is often one of the best options for commercial buildings for several reasons. 

Why a Packaged System?

There are a number of benefits to packaged rooftop systems. While every property is unique and your needs must be taken into consideration before a purchase is made, there are a few benefits to purchasing these units. Here are some of them.

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What Radiant Heating Is and How It Can Benefit Your Home

April 25th, 2022

radiant-heating-coilsFinding the right way to heat a home isn’t always as simple as it sounds. While traditional methods may be the good old reliable option, other options, like radiant heating, are important not to ignore. In an area like Oregon, where temperatures can dip pretty low, it helps to know what your options are. 

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Is It Time to Invest in a New Furnace?

April 11th, 2022

technician-working-on-furnaceYour home’s furnace runs reliably every time you turn it on for years. Yet, even with good maintenance and upkeep, these systems will become inefficient and, in some cases, may even fail. Knowing when to replace your furnace (rather than just repairing it) isn’t always easy. It’s best to allow a trusted technician to offer some guidance and direction to you about when the best time to replace it is. Here are some signs that you may want to do this soon.

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3 Reasons to Trust a Pro for Your Heating Installation

March 28th, 2022

technician-working-on-furnaceYou made the decision to have a new heating system installed, and you’re excited about the features and comfort it is sure to bring. However, having a professional install it is essential since these systems have numerous components that require hands-on experience.

Leaving the work to the pros ensures that everything is done properly. It also helps to make sure the warranty that came with your heating system is valid and that the efficiency standards are met. Here is what you can expect from the process.

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