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Posts Tagged ‘Eugene’

Fun and Useful Electrical Upgrades to Consider This Summer

Monday, July 19th, 2021

string-of-outdoor-lights-turned-onWhen it comes to both protecting your household and keeping your family comfortable, one of the most important aspects of your home is its electrical system. Properly caring for this system and knowing when to call for repairs or an electrical panel upgrade (which we’ll talk about below) are essential to a hazard-free home. The good news is, there are some electrical upgrades you can make that are not only quite useful, but can be fun too!

Don’t forget, however, you always need a professional electrician for any work involving your home’s wiring. This is the law, first off—there are certain municipal building codes we have to abide by. Then there is your safety to consider, and the integrity of your property.

With that said and without further ado, here are some upgrades you might want to consider this summer. We’ll start with the fun ones!

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Can I Fix My Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

technician-working-on-ac-unitWhen something goes wrong with your air conditioning system, it can be a big problem. There is the obvious immediate issue of poor cooling for your home along with the additional troubles of higher energy bills and potential added strain on the system. An AC in need of repairs isn’t something to ignore.

But a malfunctioning AC isn’t something you should try to fix on your own. We know that the internet is rife with DIY solutions for a faulty air conditioner, but opening up this system and trying to fix it yourself is not going to end up the way you want it to. In a majority of cases, DIY repair attempts often end up damaging an air conditioner more than anything else. Your best option if something goes wrong with your AC is to contact a professional for air conditioning repair in Eugene, OR.

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Signs That You Need Electrical Repairs

Monday, April 26th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerElectrical problems can be among the most dangerous of household issues you can have, depending on their severity. We say this because not all electrical problems lead to just blackouts—they can lead to electrocution or even house fires. Hopefully, you invest in professional electrical maintenance once a year to avoid this problem.

Even with maintenance, however, it’s also a good idea for you to make sure that you keep an eye out for indicators that your system is struggling. The faster you can identify potential electrical issues, the less likely they’ll progress far enough to pose a threat. Take a look at some of the signs that your home’s electrical system is suffering.

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5 Scenarios That Call for an Electrical Professional

Monday, February 15th, 2021

electrical-outlet-with-screwdriver-and-wire-on-tableNobody wants to face an electrical problem in their home. After all, they can lead to blackouts and even worse hazards such as electrical fires. But understanding how electrical problems happen and keeping up with services like electrical inspections (plus only trusting professionals for your electrical installs) is the best way to avoid these issues.

Many times, homeowners will see a problem and think they can just fix it on their own. With the plethora of “do-it-yourself” videos out there online, there’s no doubt that you will find a video or article telling you how to fix the exact electrical problem you have. The issue with this is twofold:

  1. If you aren’t aware of building codes, you could find yourself liable for changes you make when you go to sell your home.
  2. It can be dangerous. Making a mistake with an electrical repair can lead to electrocution or even electrical fires.

Read on as we uncover 5 of the most common electrical issues that homeowners should absolutely call on a professional to repair.

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What to Know About Your Gas Furnace and Its Heat Exchangers

Monday, February 1st, 2021

furnace-burnersIt’s cold outside this week! It’s probably safe for us to assume that you’re using your heating system on a steady basis, and you’re relying on it to keep you comfortable as well as safe.

But did you have it professionally maintained before the heating season started? If you haven’t, the good news is that it’s not too late.  Without maintenance, you can have surprise repair needs that are not only costly, but possibly harmful.

One repair to keep in mind, particularly if you have a gas furnace, is fixing or replacing a damaged heat exchanger. While no gas furnace is inherently dangerous, yours can become so if you ignore this important component.

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Forced-Air Heating and Humidity: What You Should Know

Monday, January 18th, 2021

woman-looking-cold-imposed-on-blue-backgroundIt’s a chilly winter day. You’ve just walked inside only to be greeted by static shock through everything you touch. That darn dry air! Static shock is definitely a nuisance side effect of wintertime weather.

And it doesn’t help when you run your heater, right? Forced-air heating systems like furnaces, heat pumps, or even space heaters seem to suck out moisture even more.

What’s happening is that the colder the temperatures are, the harder it is to “hold on” to humidity. The ideal relative humidity level in any home is between 30–50%, and during the winter, it’s pretty regularly under 30%.

Thankfully, there’s something you can do about this, and it doesn’t involve shutting down your heater (thank goodness!). Read on to learn more.

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Have You Scheduled Heating Maintenance Yet?

Monday, November 9th, 2020

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundMaybe you are coming back from a First Saturday Park Walk in Eugene or perhaps you’re simply returning from running some errands. Whatever your day looks like, you are going to want to come home to a warm, comfortable house. You have a reliable heater, so you are pretty reassured that your home environment is going to be where you want it to be.

What if there was a way to guarantee your comfort when you came home though? You wouldn’t just be “pretty sure,” you’d be 110% sure that your home will be optimally cozy when you walk in the door. The services we provide for the systems used for heating in Eugene, OR can provide this confidence. For now, though, we’d like to focus on the easiest service to knock out before the weather really gets cold: heating system maintenance.

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4 Signs You Need an Upgraded Electrical Panel

Monday, October 26th, 2020

2-electricians-working-on-electrical-panelAlso referred to as the circuit breaker panel, the electrical panel in your home is tasked with keeping your entire household’s electrical system running smoothly … and more importantly, safely.

It’s likely you don’t think a lot about your panel, unless maybe you’re resetting breakers on a regular basis (we’ll cover this among other signs below).

If you’ve lived in your home for a couple of decades or longer and have never had an electrical inspection done, then you definitely want to keep reading. Aging service panels require special care and attention to ensure they’re not operating in an unsafe way that can threaten your home and family.

If you do realize you have an emergency electrical need, we’re the team to call. But we would also like to help you avoid power emergencies. We’ve gone ahead and shared four signs that you need an electrical panel upgrade.

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Use This Trick to Boost HVAC Efficiency!

Monday, October 12th, 2020

tech-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitDo you have a modern, high-efficiency air conditioner?

Next question: do you have a modern, high-efficiency thermostat to match it? Or, are you still using an old manual thermostat with a slider, or even a basic digital thermostat? We can help you with an upgrade that will instantly boost your HVAC efficiency and more–a WiFi or smart thermostat!

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Signs You Have Electrical Issues in Your Home

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

burnt-wall-outletIf your home experiences even a partial blackout, but none of your neighbors experience the same thing, then it’s pretty clear you have an electrical problem, right? You’d know to call in a professional electrician and get it fixed as soon as possible. After all, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the modern conveniences of everyday life without electricity!

Of course, when signs are more subtle—flickering lights every now and then, a constantly tripping circuit breaker—you may be more tempted to just “let it be” for now and keep on living your life. Unfortunately, this can lead not only to inconveniences but actual safety hazards too. Read on as we uncover the signs you have electrical problems, and why they matter. 

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