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Posts Tagged ‘Eugene’

A Ductless Heating Unit on the Wall Is Sagging—What’s Wrong?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

ductless-mini-split-on-wallDuctless heating and cooling systems grow in popularity with each year. For new home construction, going with a ductless mini split heat pump is a great way to have more design freedom. There are many other benefits of using ductless heating, such as overall cost savings, improvements in indoor air quality, and the ease of repairs.

Speaking of repairs, if your home is equipped with a ductless heating and cooling system, you may need to have professionals fix problems on occasion. The best ductless mini splits should rarely run into malfunctions, but there are a few specific troubles that can affect them. One of them is when an indoor air handler—the basic units that send heated and cooled air into a room—appears to be sagging on the wall. What’s going on, and how urgent is the problem?

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How to Protect Your Air Conditioner over Winter

Monday, October 30th, 2017

weather-seasons-non-urbanYou’ve probably run your home’s air conditioning for the last time this year. The fall Oregon weather is definitely here, and the cold weather will be sticking around until spring. Time to arrange for your annual heating maintenance with our team if you haven’t done so already.

Your AC won’t need to have its regular check-up and tune-up until spring, but it does need some special attention as it concludes its service for another year. “Winterizing” your air conditioning system isn’t complicated, and it will reward you with protecting the system from potential damage, extending its service life and making sure it has an easy time running whenever it turns on again to cool your home.

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Will Air Filters Create Trouble for My Air Conditioner?

Monday, October 16th, 2017

pleated-air-filterYou may have heard about the problems of low indoor air quality in many homes. These aren’t alarmist warnings: the EPA has determined that poor IAQ in buildings is a significant health hazard across the country. In fact, the air inside a building—and this includes your cozy, happy home—can be as much as three to four times worse than the air outside.

One of the basic solutions to poor IAQ for a home is to remove harmful particles moving through the ventilation system with a set of air filters. It takes special filters dedicated to air quality improvements for this job. But this raises a concern that the filters may end up making the air conditioner’s job harder (and eventually the heater’s job). Is there any truth to this?

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Prepare Your Business for Winter with Fall Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

covered-commercial-hvac-fansAlthough Oregon doesn’t experience winters as extreme as a number of other parts of the country, powerful heating systems are still a necessity to help us get through the cold months. This applies to businesses and homes, but with homes at least there is a bit of leeway should something disastrous happen to the heating system. The only people affected are the residents of house, who can bundle up until repair professionals arrive.

But loss of heating in a business almost certainly means loss of revenue and often a complete closure of operations. Heating for businesses sometimes isn’t only about the comfort of the people inside; maintaining proper temperature also protects equipment.

If you are a business owner in Oregon, you want to ensure your various heating systems in your building are ready to take on the stress of the coming winter. The best way to do this is to arrange for commercial heating maintenance in Eugene, OR or elsewhere in the state with our professionals. We offer special commercial HVAC maintenance plans to make the process simple for you, and to cover all your HVAC needs for the entire year, not just the winter.

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Is It Okay if I Leave AC Repairs for Next Spring?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

air-conditioner-repairsIf you’re asking this question, it’s probably because you’ve noticed something wrong with your central air conditioning system, but it isn’t affecting cooling performance. It may be an odd grinding noise, the compressor starting and stopping more often than normal, ice appearing along the evaporator coil, an odd odor from the vents, or hot spots in some of the rooms. With fall officially starting and our cool season about to set in, you want to know if it’s really worth it to schedule repairs with HVAC technicians for the last couple weeks of warm weather.

The answer is: Yes! It’s not only worth it, it can save you money and a lot of discomfort in the long and short-term. Air conditioner repairs should be handled as soon as possible after they’re noticed, no matter how outwardly minor they may seem. Call our Eugene, OR air conditioning repair professionals—anywhere you are in Oregon!—and we’ll see that your AC doesn’t end the hot season on a sour note that will lead to later trouble.

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Get a Head Start on Flu Season This Fall with a UV Air Purifier

Monday, September 4th, 2017

UV-air-purifier-lightEven in the last days of summer, it’s hard to get our minds away from the warm weather and think about the cold season that’s soon coming our way. It’s also difficult to think about the flu and other illnesses that start to peak during the winter and which can make life miserable. According to the Center for Disease Control, flu activity starts to pick up in October and builds to a peak in February. (And once that’s over, it’s the start of allergy season, which is a whole other story.)

People often armor themselves against getting sick with flu shots during the fall. This is an effective precaution, but it’s only one step you can take. During this autumn, we recommend you armor up your house against the flu and other microbes (as well as molds and bacteria) by arranging to have a special type of air purifier installed: a UV air purifier.

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Closing Air Vents in Empty Rooms: Will This Save on My Bills?

Monday, August 21st, 2017

room-ventThis is a question that we sometimes hear from homeowners. When utility bills start to climb during the summer and winter because the cooling and heating system has to work more often, people wonder if closing the shutters of the rooms vents will help cut down on costs. The idea may make some sense initially—but the truth is that not only won’t this help reduce costs, but it can cause damage to the HVAC system. You don’t want to close off or block any of the room vents in your home.

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Why Your AC May Cost So Much to Run

Monday, August 7th, 2017

air-conditioner-money-saverIt’s far enough into summer that you’ll already be used to the rise in the electric bills that always comes with running an air conditioning system in hot weather. If your bills have risen recently, or they simply seem higher than you expect them to be, there are a number of possibilities. One is that there are problems with the air conditioning system or the ventilation system. If you can’t match the increase in utility bills with an increased use of the air conditioner (for example, more people have been staying in your house and using the AC more frequently), then it’s a good idea to look into the HVAC system.

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Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Monday, July 24th, 2017

storage-tank-water-heaterNo matter the season here in Oregon, no matter the temperatures outside, there’s one heating system you’ll always need to be working in your home: the water heater. It’s easy to take the water heater for granted, and that you’ll have hot water from the taps whenever you need it.

When you consider the amount of stress a water heater undergoes—it works 365 days a year—you’ll understand that you can’t expect the water heater to work 100% free from malfunctions. At some point, you may need to have your water heater professionally repaired, and it helps to know the warning indications that something has gone wrong. Below are some of the tell-tale signs it’s time to call our professionals for water heater repair in Eugene, OR.

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Commercial HVAC Air Conditioning Tonnage and What It Means

Monday, July 10th, 2017

rooftop-hvac-unitsIf you own or operate a business, proper environmental controls are essential. This not only provides comfort for employees, customers, tenants, clients, etc., but it also protects equipment and helps process. This is most important during winter and summer when we experience temperature extremes.

We’re in the deeps of summer right now, and you might be facing a commercial AC that isn’t handling the job as well as it should. It either needs to be replaced or have more units added (if you have a modular system like most rooftop units). Whether it’s a replacement or an expansion, the key factor you need to know about a commercial HVAC unit is its tonnage. What does that mean?

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