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Posts Tagged ‘heat pump repair’

5 Maintenance Tips for Ductless Systems

Monday, December 4th, 2023
Hand removing an air filter from a heat pump unit for maintenance or repair

You know about monthly maintenance for a more traditional whole-house air conditioner, but what about a ductless system? Ductless heaters need the same type of maintenance. However, since you have individual units in each room of your home, you may end up completing a little more maintenance than you would otherwise.

This includes scheduling professional maintenance for your ductless heating in Salem. In fact, you should schedule professional service twice each year since your ductless system is both an air conditioner and heater, operating all year round without a break. You can keep reading to learn more about homeowner maintenance steps that you can complete to take excellent care of your ductless heater.

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Help! My Heat Pump Won’t Switch to Heating Mode

Monday, November 7th, 2022

We’re already halfway through fall and winter is fast approaching. Temperatures are getting lower each week, and we are increasingly reliant on our heaters to warm our homes. But what if your heat pump won’t switch to heating mode when you try to turn it on? 

Maybe cool air is still blowing through your vents instead of the warm air you expect. If this happens, something is wrong. Don’t wait to schedule services for your heat pumps in Springfield, Or. Our team can troubleshoot the problem and get your heating working at its best again so you have reliable heat all winter long. 

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Watch for Heating Emergencies During the Cold Snap!

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

weather-seasons-non-urbanOregon is currently experiencing a winter snowpack that is much higher than normal—and there’s even more snow and cold weather heading our way. The Eugene Public Works night crews have been laboring hard to de-ice, sand, and plow as required. There’s some good news in this: snowmelt this year will help replenish our fresh water reservoirs that are currently storing less water than average.

(Oh, and if you’re a skier, the Timberline Lodge and Ski Area has more than 130% of its historical snow average—with little wind! A great time to hit the slopes.)

But spring melt feels like it’s a long ways off at this point. You’re probably concerned with staying warm in your house, and that means extra stress on the heating system. Make sure that you pay special attention to the heater now, since the strain can lead to many different types of malfunctions—and possibly a completely broken-down heater. The faster you call our team for heating repairs in Eugene, OR, the sooner we can reach you and have the problem resolved.

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Why Won’t My Heat Pump Switch Over to Heating Mode?

Monday, October 10th, 2016

As we start to move into the cooler time of the year, our heat pumps will beging switching over to their heating modes. Eventually, they’ll be set in heating mode for good—or at least until spring comes around!

But what if you turn on your heat pump for the first time, or the second or third time, and it won’t change over and start blowing our warm air? Obviously, this is a problem. There are a couple of possible explanations for this behavior, which we’ll examine below.

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Heat Pump Won’t Switch Modes: What’s Wrong?

Monday, March 28th, 2016

As the warmer weather starts up along with the coming of spring, heat pumps are going to switch over from heating mode to cooling mode, probably for the first time in many months. When you first make the switch on the thermostat that will change the heat pump back into a cooling system, make sure that you check on the air flow coming from the vents. Is the air cool—or does it still feel warm to lukewarm? If you’re still receiving warm air from the ventilation system, it’s possible that the heat pump has malfunctioned. Check again on the thermostat to make sure that you’ve set it correctly.

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Why Won’t My Ductless Heating Switch to Cooling?

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Heat pumps are pretty ingenious systems. They offer both heating and cooling, and switch easily between modes – unless something is wrong. There can be a few reasons why your ductless system may not be switching to cooling mode, and with the summer solstice just around the corner, it’s important to call the experts at Comfort Flow Heating for help so you don’t compromise your comfort.

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