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Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Reasons to Consider a Reverse Cycle Chiller

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Most businesses take up larger spaces than residential homes, and therefore they require air conditioning and heating on a more advanced level. One of the comfort systems that we recommend for business owners is the reverse cycle chiller, which works effectively in all temperatures and at a lower cost than many rooftop package unit heat pumps.

If you are interested in learning more about reverse cycle chillers, or if you want to schedule installation, call Comfort Flow Heating. We specialize in commercial installation, maintenance, and heating repair in Salem, OR.

What is a reverse cycle chiller? It works similar to a heat pump, except that it doesn’t heat and cool the air. Instead, it works on water. Its heat pump unit is connected to an insulated water tank to which it either removes or adds heat. The conditioned water is then pumped from the tank and to the various places where either heating or cooling is required.

Why should you consider a reverse cycle chiller for your commercial building? Here are a few reasons:

  • No backup burner required: If you use a standard air-source heat pump, it requires a backup burner to supply heat when the system switches from cooling mode to heating mode. This burner is important to make sure that the heat pump doesn’t continue to blow out cold air while the coils defrost. With a reverse cycle chiller, hot water from the tank defrosts the coils and removes the need for the extra burner. This saves energy and assures you’ll receive warm air instead of cold air when you want it.
  • Efficient operation in cold temperatures: An issue that air-source heat pumps can encounter is that when the temperature drops below freezing they will struggle to remove heat from the cold air. Reverse cycle chillers operate through water and do not have trouble with lower temperatures. Even when the temperature outdoors is freezing, a reverse cycle chiller can heat water to above 100°F. (Don’t worry about the water in the chiller freezing; the constant cycling through the system prevents this.)
  • Energy conservation: Reverse cycle chillers are a popular alternative when a geothermal ground-source heat pump is not possible. These chillers use up to 10% fewer kilowatts per hour than a geothermal heat pump, and because of their efficiency at providing heat, they require no supplementary source like heat strips that are often necessary for ground-source heat pumps.

A reverse cycle chiller may not be the optimal choice for your building, so let the professionals at Comfort Flow Heating evaluate your needs to help you select the best option for comfort for your workers, customers, and clients. We can provide heating installation and heating repair in Salem, OR for your company, and then deliver the maintenance to keep the system running for many years.

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How Does a Thermocouple Work?

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Homeowners often express concern about having a natural gas-powered furnace installed in their house. For the most part, these concerns are unwarranted; as long as they receive regular maintenance once a year to see that all of their components are functioning properly, gas furnaces present few health hazards and should work effectively and safely for many years.

One of the ways that the manufacturers of gas furnaces keep their products safe is through a device called the thermocouple. We’ll explain what it is and how it works to keep you safe.

For help with your heating in Salem, OR, contact Comfort Flow Heating today. We will make sure you get the most from your furnace.

The thermocouple

A thermocouple is a device that consists of a pair of strips of metal made from different material. It is installed so that its ends are in the pilot light of the furnace. The thermocouple detects the heat from the pilot light, and should the pilot light go out accidentally, the thermocouple will automatically shut off the gas valve. This prevents unburned gas from flooding into the combustion chamber, where a small spark might cause an explosion.

The thermocouple performs its job through a thermoelectric effect known as the “Seebeck effect,” named after Thomas Johann Seebeck, a German-Estonian physicist who discovered the effect in 1821. Seebeck found that two separate types of metal in proximity to each other will generate electrical voltage in proportion to the heat they sense. The higher the heat around the two metal pieces, the higher the voltage.

The thermocouple in a gas furnace is designed to keep the gas valve open through its electric voltage. If the pilot light goes out, the loss in heat causes the voltage between the two pieces of metal to drop, and this shuts the valve and reduces the combustion risk.

It’s a remarkable feat for so simple and small a device. However, a thermocouple can break, rust, or fall out of place, and this can lead to a potential hazard if the pilot light fails. This is one of the reasons you need to schedule regular preventive maintenance for your gas furnace: technicians will catch failing thermocouples and replace them with the correct unit.

(Some current gas furnaces use a mercury sensor instead of a thermocouple. Your technician will know how to handle potential problems with mercury sensors as well.)

Stay safe this winter with your heating system in Salem, OR: call Comfort Flow Heating and enroll in our maintenance program. We are also ready to help you with repairs, any time of the day or night.

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Reasons You Should Consider Radiant Heating in Salem, OR

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

The first time people experience radiant floor heating when they are a guest in someone’s house, it usually astonishes them. The level of warmth, the sensation of heat pouring onto them straight from the sun on a summer day, is so different from the feeling of hot air blown about a room from a furnace, or even the heating coming from a radiator attached to a boiler. Once people have an encounter with radiant heating, they usually want to know if they can have their own system installed.

There are a number of good reasons to consider radiant heating in Salem, OR, beyond their wonderful comfort. If you want to know more, contact our radiant heating specialists at Comfort Flow Heating. They can help you decide if radiant heating will work for your home, as well as determine the type and size to install.

Advantages of radiant heating

  • Cleaner air: Low indoor air quality is one of the leading health risks in the U.S. (according to the U.S. Department of Health), and one of the main contributors is dust blown from the ductwork connected to heat pumps and furnaces. Radiant heating doesn’t need ducts: instead, it uses the clean power of heat waves radiating from warmed objects. If there are people living in your home with allergies to dust, pollen, or hair, radiant floor heating will especially benefit them.
  • Energy efficiency: Forced-air heating systems often blow heat into the upper areas of rooms, where it gathers without warming the space effectively. You have to keep a furnace or heat pump on longer to provide sufficient heat to make a difference. But radiant heating gives you heat directly, from the floor under your feet, and it rises evenly through the room. You’ll need to run your heater far less to get the same level of comfort. Radiant floor heating also experiences no heat loss along ducts, furthering its energy efficiency.
  • Less noise pollution, less visual pollution: Radiant heaters operate so quietly that you’ll hardly notice yours working—except for the cozy warm floorboards. And you shouldn’t see it much either, since if properly installed, a radiant heating system is almost invisible, without needs for vents or radiators.

You might want to dash out right now and order installation of a radiant heating system, but be cautious: the installation process is extensive, and it may not even be the best option for heating your home. For these reasons, make sure you contact experts in radiant heating to help you find out if this is the best path to take, and to have quality installers on the job if you decide to move forward.

For over 50 years, Comfort Flow Heating has helped our clients live better with quality heating in Salem, OR. Let us assist you with radiant floor heating today.

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Why Are Furnaces So Popular?

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

Furnaces are the oldest of all home heating systems, dating back to before the Industrial Revolution, when they principally burned wood. But despite their age, furnaces still remain popular across the U.S. and the rest of North America as ways to provide heat during the winter. With so many technological advances in the HVAC industry during the last hundred years, why have furnaces continued to top the list of options for heating?

If, after reading over these reasons for the enduring popularity of furnaces, you are interested in installing one to solve your heating needs, contact the Springfield, OR heating technicians at Comfort Flow Heating. No job is too small or too large for us.

One of the reasons furnaces remain popular is that those same advances in HVAC technology have affected furnaces as well: today’s gas furnaces from respected manufacturers like Trane perform at levels of efficiency unthinkable only 20 years in the past. Some models score AFUE ratings of 96.7%, meaning they consume almost 97% of the fuel they use when providing you heat—the energy waste is minimal.

Another benefit of furnaces is their flexibility. Furnaces can run from a variety of fuels: electricity, natural gas, oil, propane. They also come in many different sizes to accommodate the heating needs of many different homes. It’s rare that we can’t find a particular furnace that is a perfect match for a customer’s home.

Furnaces are also price-competitive: high-efficiency furnaces cost far less than they did only a decade ago. Where effective gas furnaces were once out of the price range of many families, they are now attractive alternatives that won’t break the bank and return the money with their energy savings.

Finally, furnaces use forced-air heating sent through ductwork to operate. Since most homes already have ductwork, it’s easy to have a furnace installed and hooked up to the pre-existing ducts.

You should definitely have a furnace on your list of options for heating your home: don’t push them aside because they seem “old fashioned.” Trust to Comfort Flow Heating and our 50 years of experience providing quality heating service in Springfield, OR. We install top-of-the-line Trane furnaces, and we can locate the right model furnace for your home.

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What’s the Difference Between Forced-Air Heat and Radiant Heat?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

In Springfield, OR, heating services need to address a number of different types of heater. Our winters are cold, but we also embrace innovation, and while plenty of homes use traditional forced-air burners, many other use newer forms of heating such as geothermal and radiant heating systems. If you’re going to add a new heater, you need to understand how each one is distinguished from the others. For example, what’s the difference between forced-air heat and radiant heat?

Forced-air heat comes from a gas furnace, which heats the air before blowing it into a system of ducts to be distributed throughout your home. Radiant heat, on the other hand, relies upon a system of tubes or coils placed directly beneath your flooring. It sends warmth up through the floor, the furniture and even the people in the room.

The differences between the two are very clear. Forced-air systems rely upon reliable air flow and are subject to the vagaries of your home’s layout. It can result in drafty areas, cold spots and the general unpredictability of air movement. Radiant heating systems, on the other hand, heat the space much more evenly because they do so through the floor. They avoid the unpredictability of forced-air systems, and because they are much more efficient, they can save you a huge amount on your monthly heating bills in the process.

However, the initial installation of a radiant heating system can cost quite a bit more than a gas furnace. It can also involve a lot more fuss and bother, since the floors of your home need to be torn up in order to install it. It becomes a question of short-term investment vs. long-term gain, and it’s up to the individual homeowner to decide which path to take.

For more information on the difference between forced-air heat and radiant heat, contact Comfort Flow Heating. We operate out of Springfield, OR, heating services are our specialty, and we can explain all of your options to you before you decide on a course of action. Pick up the phone and call our Springfield, OR heating service technicians today!

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Signs That You Need to Replace Your Heater

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Replacing any large appliance in your home, such as a refrigerator or oven, is a major step. When it comes to your heating system, however, it’s both a major step and a complex one. A new heater requires professional installation that takes into consideration numerous factors about your house. It isn’t something to take lightly, but it’s often the wisest solution for getting the best and most cost-efficient home heating.

Although heating replacement is a large task, it doesn’t have to be stressful for you if you hire the right company to perform the installation. The Salem, OR heating professionals at Comfort Flow Heating can handle any size installation and get it done right the first time so you’ll have fewer worries about repairs and breakdowns in the future.

Look for the following signals that your current heating system might be nearing the end of its lifespan:

Consistently high energy bills: If you’ve inspected your power bill and noticed a rise in costs that goes beyond normal seasonal changes or inflation, then you may have a heater that’s too aged and worn to work efficiently. Any machine will wear down over time, no matter how well it’s cared for, and your heater will eventually reach a stage where it must drain excess energy to keep up with your comfort needs. A professional can perform tests to see if your heater has lost efficiency and if it requires replacement.

Mounting repair expenses: Heaters will suffer malfunctions and require repairs at some point—but if those repairs start to come frequently, then the most economical move may be to replace it entirely with a sturdy new model. Look over the repair bills for the past three years and compare them to the cost of a new installation.

Extreme noise levels: A sudden, unexpected noise from your heater may warn you it needs professional repairs. But if your heater begins to make almost constant noise much higher than what you expect, the issue may be that its components have gotten too worn down from age. Think about getting a replacement before a full shutdown leaves you in the cold.

Seeking the advice of HVAC professionals about whether or not to install a new heater is the first step to take. If you do decide to get a new heater, the professionals can help you find the right type, model, and size to suit your home, and then install it quickly and properly.

Comfort Flow Heating installs the top brands of furnaces, heat pumps, and ductless mini splits to fit all needs. Put your Salem, OR heating concerns in our experienced hands.

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How To Prepare Your Heating System for The Fall

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

As we continue to roll into fall, many homeowners may be starting to think about turning on their heater for the first time since summer. However, before you do that, there are a few things you may want to think about doing to prepare your heater for the fall and winter. Read on below and then give us a call here at Comfort Flow Heating if you have any questions about our Springfield, OR heating services.

Here’s a Springfield, OR Heat Tip On How to Prepare Your Heater for the Fall Season

Here are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get great heating all fall and winter long:

Heating Maintenance

Probably the best thing that you can do for the efficiency and effectiveness of your heating system is to get it maintained by a professional before the cold weather really arrives. When your Springfield, OR heating technicians visit your home, they will perform a thorough inspection of your heating system. They will clean out all of the components, lubricate the motors, check the electrical and fuel systems, and they will also alert you to any problems that they might find. Doing this can help you find any small issues early and clear out any problems that could have developed over the summer. There are a few very important benefits to doing this including:

  • Reduced repair
  • Increased efficiency
  • Extended equipment life

Change the Air Filter

Another important thing to do for your heating system is to change the air filter. If you’re like many homeowners, then your air conditioning system likely uses the same air filter to keep dust and dirt from getting into its moving parts. Changing the air filter after all the summer use that your AC got could help keep air flowing freely through the system.

Give us a call here at Comfort Flow Heating if you need any kind of Springfield, OR heating services like repair, installation or maintenance.

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Salem OR Furnace Tip: Air Duct Tips That Help Improve Furnace Performance

Monday, April 8th, 2013

You rely on your Salem, OR furnace to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the heating season. Improving furnace performance requires ensuring that all the components and mechanisms are working together, including the extensive ductwork that brings heated air throughout your home. If you’re looking to improve your furnace performance, then you cannot neglect your air ducts, which, when faulty or damaged, can be responsibly for up to a third of your heating loss. We’ve compiled a list of air duct tips that we think may help your home heating system. For more information about how your ductwork impacts your energy efficiency, or to schedule a Salem furnace service, call the experts at Comfort Flow Heating today!

  • Seal air leaks. Schedule a professional duct sealing service in order to eliminate any air leaks in your ductwork. Air leaks not only reduce heated airflow, they also cause your system to work harder, thus increasing the amount of energy consumed. It’s important to take care of any air leaks promptly so that they do not affect your heating system. Despite its name, duct tape is not recommended, so make sure to hire a pro for professional mastic sealing.
  • Clean your ducts. Routine duct cleaning ensures that your heated air is unobstructed in its flow from air handler to living space. Over time, your ducts can accumulate dust, mold, and other debris, inhibiting airflow and reducing the quality of your indoor air. By having your ductwork regularly inspected and cleaned, you can ensure that your ducts do not get in the way of your high efficiency heater.
  • Duct insulation. Talk to your local professional about whether duct insulation would be right for your home. If your ductwork runs through your attic, crawlspace or basement, it may be subject to heat loss when it comes into contact with unheated spaces. Also, make sure that your home is properly insulated (especially the attic) to maximize your heating performance.

An effective and efficient furnace is paramount during the heating season. Make sure your home is warm and comfortable by scheduling a duct inspection, cleaning, or sealing. For Salem, OR furnace services, call Comfort Flow Heating today!

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Salem OR Heating FAQ: How Can Duct Cleaning Improve Heating Efficiency?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

During the heating season, many homeowners focus as much on the efficiency of their home heating system as the effectiveness with which it heats their home. With energy prices as high as they are, it is no wonder that so many people are so concerned with their heating system’s energy efficiency. There are many ways in which you can improve the energy efficiency of your heating system. In some cases, professional duct cleaning may be the solution you are looking for. If you are interested in scheduling professional duct cleaning service, call the Salem, OR duct cleaning technicians at Comfort Flow Heating.

There are a great number of factors that may affect the condition within your air ducts. Because we do not often have cause to inspect the interior of our ductwork, many homeowners do not even realize that there is a problem. If dirt, dust and other debris is allowed to accumulate in your ductwork, though, it can lead to a number of different problems, including reduced efficiency.

If there is excessive dirt and dust in your ductwork, your air filters are more likely to clog up. This can increase the airflow resistance within your ductwork. Your heating system will need to work harder to keep your home warm and to distribute heated air in this situation. That means that more energy will be needed to do so. The more energy your heater uses, the more money you will wind up paying to operate it.

When your air ducts are dirty, the condition of your heating equipment itself is put at risk. The air filter installed in your heating system by the factory is intended more to protect your heating equipment than to boost air quality. If dirt and dust is allowed to accumulate on the components of your heating system, its performance may be compromised. This can lead to reduced efficiency levels.

The Salem heating professionals at Comfort Flow Heating are available to answer all your questions about duct cleaning services. Contact Comfort Flow Heating today to learn more. We can help you keep your home warm and cozy in a more efficient, affordable manner.

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Salem OR Heating Tip: Common heating repairs

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Here in Oregon we all need our heating systems to work well to keep us comfortable during the cold winter months. Because of all the use that your heating system gets over the course of the year it will likely run into problems. When that happens contact the Salem, OR heating experts at Comfort Flow Heating. We have years of experience working with all kinds of heating systems and wanted to share some of the most common heating repairs that we see so that you can keep an eye out for them.

Not Enough Heating

Probably one of the most common Salem, OR heating repairs that we see is insufficient heating. This can be caused by a faulty thermostat that is causing your heating system not to deliver enough heat into your home. This can also be caused by a clogged air filter which could be restricting the flow of air into your home. There are a number of other problems that could be keeping your home from getting warm enough. Call the Salem, OR heating technicians at Comfort Flow if you have this issue.

Heating System Making Strange Noises

Is your heating system making a squealing noise? This is most likely caused by a worn out fan belt that just needs to be replaced or oiled. Contact the Salem heating professionals at Comfort Flow for all your heating repairs. Other common heating noises are rumbling and rattling. Rattling in a furnace can sometimes indicate that you have a carbon monoxide leak. Make sure you keep an ear open for any new or unusual noises coming from your heating system.

Change the Air Filter

By far the most common cause of heating issues is a clogged air filter. The air filter in your furnace or heat pump is there to keep dust and dirt from getting into the moving parts of your heating system. If it isn’t changed regularly it can get clogged and cause big problems. A clogged air filter can cause insufficient heat, overheating, cracked heat exchangers and more.

For all your Salem, OR heating repair, contact Comfort Flow today.

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