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Posts Tagged ‘Salem’

The Benefits of a Whole-Home Air Purifier

Monday, October 10th, 2022

woman-comfortable-on-her-couch-leaning-back-with-closed-eyesWhen you step outside and take a deep breath you may think to yourself, ahhhh, fresh air! We often associate the outdoors with fresh air that’s full of oxygen that keeps us healthy. But the air is also full of allergens and contaminants, too. No matter where you are, there is some combination of pollen, mold, and other particles in the air.

When you’re inside, it’s even worse. You carry in germs like viruses and bacteria that then circulate through your air and even multiply and spread. Your HVAC system has an air filter, but it can only do so much to filter out these contaminants. But an air purifier can make a huge difference in your home’s indoor air quality. If you’re interested in air purifiers in Salem, OR, our team can help.

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Why You Should Hire a Pro for Your AC Installation 

Monday, September 26th, 2022

While it may surprise you, some homeowners think that AC installation is a DIY project. There are many home improvement projects you can do yourself, but AC installation isn’t one of them. In fact, for your AC unit to be up to code you have to use an expert professional with the correct certifications for handling electrical work. 

Plus, a professional ensures that the job is done right the first time. If you need AC installation in Salem, OR, give our team a call. We can talk you through the installation process and schedule a free consultation. After that, we can offer options and help you choose the best AC that fits your family’s needs. In the meantime, you can read on to learn why professional installation is so important. 

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Signs That You Need to Call an Electrician

Monday, July 4th, 2022

two-electricians-working-on-panelHomeowners don’t tend to think about their electrical system a whole lot… unless they’re installing something that requires wiring. The truth is though, even just the addition of more electronics or appliances to your home can be the reason you call an electrician. Or if you notice things like lights flickering or hot switches in the house. We’re going to talk about these signs and more below.

If you notice any strange symptoms, or if you’re about to have another big appliance or electronic installed, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel. Read on to learn more!

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Heed These Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, June 20th, 2022

outside-ac-unitYour AC unit doesn’t talk, so how do you know when it needs repairs? Well, it might not speak in actual words, but AC units actually do make it obvious when they need servicing. 

However, you have to know what to be looking for or you’ll miss your unit’s cries for help. Check out these common signs that your air conditioner needs repair. 

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3 Reasons to Trust a Pro for Your Heating Installation

Monday, March 28th, 2022

technician-working-on-furnaceYou made the decision to have a new heating system installed, and you’re excited about the features and comfort it is sure to bring. However, having a professional install it is essential since these systems have numerous components that require hands-on experience.

Leaving the work to the pros ensures that everything is done properly. It also helps to make sure the warranty that came with your heating system is valid and that the efficiency standards are met. Here is what you can expect from the process.

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End-Of-Season Heating Repair Needs You Might Encounter

Monday, March 14th, 2022

vent-low-on-wallAs the warmer weather approaches, you may be thinking about your air conditioning, not your heating. Yet, end-of-the-season problems can arise commonly, especially if the system was not maintained well during the heavy use season (even if it was, a long winter is hard on your system). That’s why paying close attention to heating repair in Salem, OR, even as the season draws to a close, is necessary. 

Know what to look for that warrants a call to your repair technician, such as these situations.

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“My Heater Is Drying Out My Air, What’s Wrong With It?”

Monday, December 7th, 2020

man-looking-at-thermostat-on-a-cold-daySo here’s the thing: there might not be anything wrong with your heater. If there is something wrong with your heater, we are definitely the team to call! And to be fair, this is a call we get pretty often. Dry air is an issue for folks running their heating system on a daily, and even hourly, basis.

The assumption that heaters dry out the air is true to a point. When the level of moisture outdoors drops, as it does every winter, then your indoor relative humidity level drops as well. Anything below 30% is considered too low, and it will cause discomfort in addition to lowered immunity, leading to you and your family members catching illnesses easier. Low humidity can even cause property damage as wood starts to dry out and splinter.

But if your heater is only a small part of the problem, and even if it were the main problem, you wouldn’t want to stop using it anyway, what can you do? Read on to find out!

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Heed These Signs of a Furnace in Disrepair

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

technician-inspecting-furnaceWhen you live somewhere that’s consistently chilly as it is here in the Salem area, you need a strong heating system to keep you cozy during the winter. Many homeowners have a furnace in place to get this job done. In fact, most homeowners choose this system type—so we are pretty familiar with them! This means we know all the ins and outs of their service, and what type of repair needs are most common with them as well. Remember, just like any other complex piece of machinery, your furnace will need repairs.

You can prevent the worst of repair needs with thorough professional maintenance tune-ups. During these appointments, our professionals comprehensively inspect your furnace, making adjustments and cleaning the system as necessary. All of this serves to help the system run more efficiently, powerfully, and to help prevent the biggest repair needs you might face. But your system can still experience malfunctions between tune-ups, and for this reason it’s vital that you know the signs of a furnace in disrepair.

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5 Ways to Help Out Your AC

Monday, August 31st, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitIt’s hot here in Salem, and we are sure that you’re putting your air conditioner to work. Most summers we’re sure that you just turn on your air conditioner and let it run. There’s not much more thought surrounding it because … what else is there to think about?

Well, we want to take the time to tell you that there is so much more to air conditioning service in Salem, OR. In fact, we’re here today to help you get more from your air conditioner. There are a few simple things that you can do to help out your home’s air conditioner this summer.

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Is It Time to Upgrade Your Cooling System?

Monday, August 17th, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitSummer is progressing right along, with homeowners using their air conditioners pretty consistently. Did you know this is the time of year that air conditioners are most likely to break down? At least, this is the case if you tend to skip your annual maintenance appointments and/or your system is aging.

Of course, this is the last thing you want to deal with, right? If you have an aging system or an air conditioner that’s been experiencing trouble, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer and more efficient system. But how do you know for sure when it’s time? Read on!

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