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4 Signs It’s Time to Call an HVAC Pro

technician-working-on-ac-unitAir conditioning repair is one of those services that you hope you never need, but know that inevitably, you will. And it’s not a service you want to wait on scheduling when you need it.

And here we are, in the time of the year that air conditioners suffer the most because of all the work they go through in the summer time. Trust us when we say, the longer you wait to have your air conditioner repaired, the more of a possibility there is that you’ll shorten the lifespan of your AC.

Of course, in order to get repairs done right away, you have to know the signs that you even need repairs, right? Well, read on! Below, we’ve uncovered some of the most common AC repair needs that homeowners face each summer, and the signs that it’s time for you to call an HVAC pro.

1. The AC Isn’t Actually Cooling

You may think this is an obvious sign of air conditioner trouble, but you might be surprised to find how long homeowners sometimes wait to deal with this issue. And an air conditioner that doesn’t cool powerfully enough is one that coincides directly with the height of summer.

The rise in temperatures makes people think that their air conditioner is just struggling a bit, but truth be told our summers are mild enough that your air conditioner should always be able to meet the temperature you’ve set on the thermostat. If it can’t effectively cool down your home, it’s time to call an HVAC pro.

2. Your Energy Bills Are Too High

We get it—this can be subjective. Doesn’t everyone think their energy bills are higher than they should be? Well, that might be the case, but we’re asking you to do a little bit of a comparison. Are you paying significantly more to cool your home than you did this same time last year? Or maybe you’ve discovered you’re paying way more than your neighbors are.

These are both signs that something is causing your air conditioner to work less efficiently. There are a number of potential causes for this, and aside from changing your air filter every 1–3 months, most of them require a professional to handle.

3. The System Is Short-Cycling

Short-cycling is the process where your air conditioner turns on, and then suddenly shuts back off, only to cycle back on a short time later. The compressor should run in regular 15-minute cycles, and if yours isn’t doing this, it means there’s a problem.

Short-cycling is both the symptom of a problem and the cause of more problems. Therefore, it needs to be addressed right away. Be sure to call a pro if you notice your system doing this!

4. You Hear Strange Noises

Your air conditioner is never going to be silent. You’ll hear it cycling on and off, you’ll hear the motor running, the air exhausting outside, and the air whooshing through the vents inside. But what you shouldn’t hear are things like grinding, screeching, or hissing. These are all signs of various problems that need to be fixed before they have a domino effect and harm other parts of the system.

When you’re looking for a trustworthy HVAC company in Junction City, OR, contact Comfort Flow Heating!

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