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Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

3 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair Now

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

When your air conditioning system stops running, you know it’s time for air conditioning repair. But what if your AC seems to be working properly with only some minor concerns? When should you call a technician if your system has not yet broken down?

If you want your air conditioning system to last the entire summer, and for years to come, you should always schedule air conditioning repair at the first sign of a problem. If you’re still unsure, here are three signs that you need repairs right away.

1.  Loud Noises

If you’re not sure whether the strange noise coming from your AC unit is problematic, it probably is. Any sound that seems strange or unwelcome should be addressed by a technician since it could lead to serious repairs in the future. A hissing noise, for example could indicate leaky ducts, which disrupt the air flow in your system and can cause the indoor evaporator coil to freeze. Buzzing may indicate an electrical issue that puts your home and AC unit at serious risk. A banging noise may mean that there is a loose component, which means parts of your system may fail before they should.

2. Loss of Cooling Power

Another indication that you need repairs now is if your AC has lost some cooling power. If your AC never quite seems to reach the number on the thermostat, it may mean you do not have enough refrigerant in your system, among other issues. If this is the case, your AC cannot remove heat from your home properly to replace it with cool air, and this may soon mean your indoor air handlers will only blow warm air.

3. High Energy Bills

Higher than average energy bills often indicate that your air conditioning system needs repair. If your AC unit is inefficient, the cause is most likely a faulty component within your system. If one of the components of your AC is not working correctly, the rest of your system often has to compensate to keep you cool. This means higher energy bills, but can also overwork your AC to the point of failure.

Comfort Flow Heating offers professional air conditioning services in Salem. Don’t wait to call; let us fix your AC at the first sign of a problem!

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Benefits of a Ductless AC System

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Ductless systems have gained in popularity in homes during the last 20 years, making the leap from businesses, where they were especially popular in restaurants. Ductless systems have a number of significant advantages that they offer to homes. If you are considering new AC installation, you should take some time to look into the possibility of going ductless this time… it just might be the perfect system for your household.

However, despite the advantages listed below, ductless mini split systems are not suitable for every household. They work best if you live either in an older home without pre-existing ducts or if you are planning new construction. It’s best if you contact ductless installation specialists when you are considering one of these systems for your new air conditioning in Salem, OR. Our staff at Comfort Flow Heating has extensive experience with all types of comfort systems, and they will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have about ductless ACs.

The Ductless Advantages

  • Cooling and heating: The first important thing you need to know about ductless air conditioners is that they are properly called “ductless mini split heat pumps.” As heat pumps, they work as both air conditioners and heaters. Essentially, they operate as air conditioners that can switch the direction they move heat, so that instead of bringing heat out of your home, they can also bring it into your home. You get a “best of both worlds” scenario, and you won’t sacrifice on the quality of your air conditioning.
  • Improved indoor air quality: One of the drawbacks of an extensive ventilation system is that it eventually picks up dust, dirt, and other contamination that will lower the quality of your indoor air. Since ductless systems use a series of indoor blower units mounted on the walls to send air directly into rooms without the need for ducts, they do not blow around dust circulated through vents. Ductless systems are especially beneficial for homes where people with allergies or asthma live.
  • Zone control: Using separate blowers in different rooms brings with it a significant benefit: you can shut down cooling (and heating) to rooms that don’t need it. This is called “zone control” and will contribute to a more comfortable and energy-efficient home. You can expect to save on your energy bills when you no longer need to cool down rooms that no one is using. People in your household can also adjust temperatures to fit their needs wherever they are in the house.

To find out if a ductless mini split heat pump is the top choice for your heating and air conditioning in Salem, OR, call up our experts at Comfort Flow Heating. We have more than 50 years of experience keeping families comfortable—no matter the weather.

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What Are My Air Conditioning Options Here In Springfield, OR?

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Many industries are experiencing a push for better technology to help with the environment while also helping consumers; the cooling industry is no different. At Comfort Flow Heating, we’ve been able to see these advances implemented in our customers’ homes, and we look forward to continuing to bring the best cooling products to our customer base. Are you considering an air conditioning installation for your Springfield property? If so, we’ll tell you about several air conditioner options currently available on the market.

Types of Air Conditioning Systems Available

It’s a good to have choices, but sometimes it can be it a bit overwhelming when trying to decide what air conditioner will work best for your home. A lot goes into choosing the right air conditioner, so it’s important to work with a professional.

Traditional Split-System

One of the most common types of air conditioners found in residential properties, a traditional split-system AC has two units – one indoor, one outdoor – that delivers cool air via ductwork. The outdoor unit contains the compressor and condenser while the inside unit contains the evaporator and blower.

Ductless Split-System

Long used in commercial spaces, ductless air conditioning is becoming a very popular choice with homeowners. As per the name, a ductless system does not need ductwork to deliver cool air, opening the possibility of whole-home air conditioning to property owners that do not have ducted systems.

A ductless air conditioner has an outdoor unit very similar to a traditional split system, but uses individual indoor blowers to deliver the cold air. The outdoor unit connects to the indoor blowers through a conduit placed in an exterior wall in which the refrigerant and drainage lines are housed. Each blower has its own programmable thermostat, giving the ability for zone control, and the blowers can be mounted flush to a wall, hung from a ceiling or left free-standing.

Geothermal System

A geothermal system uses the ground’s natural, stable temperature to provide heating and cooling. The upper ten feet of the earth’s surface stays at a steady temperature between 50° to 61°F (10° to 16°C). Using a geothermal device, the system draws heat energy into the outdoor heat sink and transfers the cool temperatures into a warmer area. Geothermal systems need ductwork to deliver the cooled air.

Use a Professional When Choosing Your Air Conditioner

A whole-home air conditioner is a big purchase that is meant for the long-term, which is why it is important to work with a professional to ensure your air conditioning system fits with your property. Have questions about your air conditioner options? Call Comfort Flow Heating today and schedule professional air conditioning installation in Springfield, OR.

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Thermostat Problems and Air Conditioning Repairs

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Thermostats are small devices compared to rest of a home’s comfort system. But don’t let that diminutive size deceive you: thermostats are powerful control centers that can make or break an air conditioner. In this post, we’re concerned with the ways a malfunctioning thermostat could “break” your AC—or at least make it start to work incorrectly and require that you call for air conditioning repair service in Eugene, OR.

Because thermostat issues can look like electrical or mechanical failures inside an air conditioner’s cabinet, you must have skilled repair technicians handle the job of fixing them. The professionals will know where to search to determine the source of your home’s cooling woes. You can reach Comfort Flow Heating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for emergency service that will cut to the heart of the problem and fix it.

Some Common Thermostat Issues That Require Repair Work

  • Miscalibration: When a thermostat begins to misread a home’s temperature by a few degrees or more—a miscalibration in the temperature sensor—it will result in behavior from the air conditioner that will create an uncomfortable home environment. This is usually a simple repair for technicians, although they may advise that you replace an old manual model thermostat with an updated and more precise digital programmable unit.
  • Connection loss: A thermostat (except for recent wireless models) communicates to an air conditioner through a series of wires that control when the fans and the compressor turn on and off. Loss of connection in any of these wires due to breaks or loose connections will cause the air conditioner to fail to turn on or refuse to turn off. These types of problems often look like serious malfunctions within the AC itself, but experts will narrow down the problem if it originates with the thermostat and provide the necessary targeted repairs.
  • Poor unit placement: If amateurs originally installed the AC in your home, the thermostat may be located in a poor position to record accurate temperatures. If it the thermostat is too far from the center of the house, it will pick up outlier readings that won’t reflect the actual temperature of the rest of the house. If placed in direct sunlight or near outside drafts, the thermostat will detect “ghost readings” higher or lower than the true temperature. These problems will all lead to poor AC performance. Technicians will have to move the thermostat to a better spot.

Call Comfort Flow Heating for AC Repairs

Sometimes determining what is causing a malfunction in an air conditioning system is the hardest part of a repair. But if you leave your air conditioning repair in Eugene, OR to the experienced team at Comfort Flow Heating, you can expect a fast and accurate solution to whatever ails your comfort system.


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Stages of Air Conditioning Installation

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Installing a new air conditioner is a DIY job… if you’re installing a small window unit. You may need a friend to help balance the heavy piece of equipment while you angle it into the open window, but once that’s done, all you have to do is screw down the window and the side flaps of the unit and plug it in. Done.

But installing a ­central air conditioning is not a DIY project! It requires specialists with years of training and experience to do the job correctly and in a timely fashion. Don’t ever trust the work to amateurs. Call a company with years of history handling air conditioning installation in Salem, OR. Call Comfort Flow Heating today, and we’ll take you through the following stages of AC installation:

The Stages of the Air Conditioning Installation Process

  • Selecting and sizing the unit: Before any tools come out, the installers will help you pick the right model of AC and size it so it has the right power and cooling load to match your home and its energy needs. Incorrect sizing can turn out disastrous, so you need to have the professionals on the work from the beginning.
  • Ductwork resizing: When the actual work of installing starts, the installers will first cut your existing ductwork to fit the new system. This usually only involves some minor changes.
  • Placing the indoor unit: Next, the indoor evaporator unit goes into place. It is hooked to the ducts, connects to a drain line for condensate drainage, and links to the coolant line that will go outside to the condenser unit.
  • Placing the condenser unit: The outdoor cabinet that houses the condenser coil and the compressor, is placed and secured to a solid foundation. The coolant and power lines connect to it.
  • Electrical systems check: The installers inspect all the electrical connections. Because air conditioners use a great deal of power to run the compressor, they need to be checked to make sure they will not cause tripped circuit breakers.
  • Full system check: Now that the complete air conditioner is hooked up and charged with refrigerant, the installers run the AC and check on air flow, cooling power, and thermostat control.

Professionals will not leave your home until they are 100% certain that your air conditioner is working as it should, with no malfunctions or unnecessary stress that could lead to repairs in the near future. You now have your sturdy and powerful new air conditioner ready to work keeping your home cool for many summers to come.

Call Comfort Flow Heating when you are ready for new air conditioning system installation in Salem, OR. Our history speaks for itself: more than 50 years of providing comfort for our customers… and we’ve no intent of stopping now.

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Do I Need to Call for Repairs if There Is Frost in My Air Conditioner?

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

A common mistake homeowners make regarding their air conditioning systems is to think that the appearance of frost on the indoor evaporator coil is normal and nothing that requires repairs. But frost or ice appearing anywhere on an AC is a serious problem that needs remedy from professional technicians as soon as possible.

We’ll look into the reasons that ice can form over the coil in your air conditioner. Regardless of the original cause for the icing, call Comfort Flow Heating right away for the necessary air conditioning repair in Salem, OR that will reverse the problem and restore your cooling.

The trouble with ice on an AC

Ice forms along the evaporator coil whenever the coil begins to absorb less heat than normal. The evaporator coil performs the crucial job of removing the heat from the air that will pass into the ventilation system and move out into your living spaces. If the coil doesn’t absorb enough heat, the cold refrigerant inside it will remain at a low enough temperature that it will freeze condensation moisture along the coil. Once this ice forms, it will further block heat absorption, leading to a downward cycle until ice blocks the whole coil and no cooling can occur.

Why ice might form

A common reason for this to start is because of a clogged air filter. When the air filter cannot bring in sufficient warm indoor air to the evaporator coil, the refrigerant will not cool down fast enough, and the ice will start. This is one of the many reasons you must change the air filter once a month during the summer when the AC runs regularly.

If excess dirt enters the AC’s cabinet, it will lead to a grime layer across the evaporator coil, which will insulate it and lower heat absorption, triggering the ice growth. Professionals will need to remove the coil and clean it. Don’t attempt to scrape the ice off on your own, as you might damage the coil.

Finally, and most seriously, a loss of refrigerant due to leaking will also cause ice to form. Less refrigerant in the coil means reduced heat absorption, and the remaining refrigerant will remain cold enough to start the freezing. Low refrigerant charge can lead to serious damage in the compressor, so this must be solved right away. Professionals will seal the leak and recharge the refrigerant to its proper level.

Professionals are only a call away

At Comfort Flow Heating, our motto is, “No job is too large or too small.” No matter what problem has caused the ice on your AC, you can trust us to bring you quality air conditioning repair in Salem, OR. We are always ready for your call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Why Is Excessive Condensation in My Air Conditioner a Problem?

Friday, May 30th, 2014

You are probably familiar with the sounds an AC makes during normal operation: the whir of the blower, the hum of the compressor, and the occasional sound of dripping water. The source of that last sound is the condensation that develops along the evaporator coil. As warm air flows across the coil, the coil absorbs heat and also collects moisture. This moisture then drips down into a condensate pan, where a drain and pump remove it down a line toward the wastewater system of your plumbing.

When your air conditioning system is working well, you shouldn’t need to worry about the water along the evaporator coil. But when you encounter excess condensation and drainage issues, it can lead to serious problems. If you detect water around your AC, notice mold or mildew growing in its vicinity, or experience increases in humidity, call for air conditioning repair right away. Technicians will find out what is wrong with your AC and repair it.

Call the experienced staff at Comfort Flow Heating, any time of the day or night, when you need air conditioning repair in Florence, OR.

Condensate problems in an air conditioner

A number of issues can cause the water in the condensate pan to begin to build up: the line can become dislodged, bacterial growth might block up the drain. When this occurs, the condensate pan, which is shallow, will start to overflow and spill out into your home.

The first trouble this will cause is water damage. Because you often won’t notice this at first, since the air conditioning cabinet isn’t in a place you frequent, the water damage can become extensive and may lead to thousands of dollars in repairs.

The high humidity also encourages the growth of mold and mildew. These bacterial contaminants will contribute to building damage (mildew warps wood and eats right through drywall) but also release toxic spores into the air, lowering indoor air quality. Rats and insects will also be drawn to water pools, adding another unpleasant nuisance.

Standing water will start to increase your home’s humidity, causing additional discomfort that will begin to make the AC’s work more difficult.

We don’t advise that you try to repair condensate problems on your own: a mistaken fix can end up causing additional leaking. Instead, contact professionals like those at Comfort Flow Heating. Our team that handles air conditioning repair in Florence, OR will find the source of the problem and fix it so it stays fixed.

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AC Problems That Worsen without Repair

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

How great would it be if your mechanical devices fixed themselves? Unfortunately, this isn’t going to happen, and this includes your air conditioning system.

For over 50 years, Comfort Flow Heating has helped thousands of clients with air conditioning repairs, installations and replacements in Florence. When it comes to repairs, our technicians at Comfort Flow Heating have seen over and over how an ignored problem blossomed into a big one. Here are some examples of problems that we’ve seen get worse the longer they went without repair:

Refrigerant leaks

Refrigerant leaks can be sneaky because your system can, for a time, run ok on low refrigerant. Unfortunately, it’s never a good idea to have your air conditioner run just “ok,” and refrigerant leaks will only worsen with time. The reason for this is that your system has an exact amount of refrigerant it needs to work as it should; once this amount lessens due to a leak, your entire air conditioning system has to compensate for this, and does so by overworking. Additionally, unless the leak gets repaired, it continues to leak, driving your refrigerant level lower and lower.

Decreased air flow

Decreased air flow in your system can be caused by a number of things: bent fins on the outside unit, issues with fans and obstructions in the ductwork. Decreased air flow to your system can cause problems multiple problems, including icing, low air flow, and problems with your compressor. Unless the air flow is increased to its normal capacity, these problems will continue, and will most likely become worse; they may even lead to a full break down of your system.

Fan issues

The fans in your system help with the release of heat as well as the delivery of cool air into your property. When the fans have an issue, such as a worn-out belt that causes the fan to turn slower than usual, or a loose or bent fan blade that interferes with its blowing, air flow and the heating/cooling process can be affected. Worn-out belts will eventually break and loose fan blades will most likely become looser, leaving the potential open for the blade to come off entirely. Bent blades can cause damage to other parts if left to hit another object close by. Each of these problems can lead to bigger ones unless the initial problem is repaired in a timely manner.

Don’t Ignore the Small Problems

“Don’t sweat the small stuff” is a popular saying, but it does not apply to your AC. The small stuff in your air conditioner can lead to bigger stuff that may indeed leave you sweating on a hot summer day. There are lots of tip-offs that something may need work on your air conditioner, such as loud noises, warm air blowing into your home and low air flow. Even if you only suspect there may be a problem, it’s better to call an experienced Comfort Flow Heating technician to inspect it rather than letting it go unattended.

For over 50 years, Comfort Flow Heating has been working on air conditioning in Florence. Let us help you have a great summer with your air conditioner – call us today!

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Sounds that Can Indicate Air Conditioning Repair Needs

Friday, May 16th, 2014

You turn on your air conditioner and, after hearing the normal tick and whirr of the start-up, you hear something not so normal: a banging, a screech or a rattle. You turn the system off, leave it for a bit, and then start it again. And once again, you hear something that just doesn’t sound right. While your air conditioner may be working, that noise can be indicative of a problem with your system. How can you know? Below are some familiar noises our experts at Comfort Flow Heating have all heard prior to completing an air conditioning repair in Salem.

The Usual Noises

As the homeowner, you know what constitutes the normal sounds your AC makes when operating. Typical noises would include things like:

  • A click when the system starts
  • Hum or whirr when the motors and fans begin to run
  • A “whoosh” sound when air begins to flow through the ducts
  • Click when the system shuts down

The Unusual Noises

Here are some unusual noises that can indicate the need for a Comfort Flow Heating specialist to inspect your system:

  • Rattling – a rattling sound can indicate several potential issues. Common ones are loose pieces of hardware from fans and other components, loose ductwork and loose equipment covers.
  • Squeaking – squeaking can indicate a few things, some bigger than others. On the smaller end of the scale, squeaking can mean poor lubrication on ball bearings or other components; it can also mean a belt in the system is wearing down and may need replacement.
  • Loud Buzzing – loud buzzing can mean there is a potential electrical issue somewhere in your air conditioning system, such a faulty connection or an issue with the circuit breaker.
  • Screeching – a loud screeching noise may indicate that the pressure in your system’s compressor is too high, which can be a potentially dangerous situation. If you hear a loud screeching, turn off your system immediately and call a Comfort Flow Heating specialist right away.
  • Hissing – a hissing sound emanating from your outdoor unit typically means there is a refrigerant leak somewhere in the system. Refrigerant is the chemical that runs through your air conditioner, removing the heat and cooling the air that gets blown back inside. As such, if you have a leak, it should be repaired right away by a trained specialist so as not to potentially stress your system.

Don’t Ignore the Noise

It can be easy to ignore a noise that may seem minimal, especially if your air conditioner appears to be working as expected. But, an unusual noise in your air conditioner is not something you want to take lightly. Hearing something unusual? Call Comfort Flow Heating today and schedule an appointment for one of our experts check out that noise. You may require professional air conditioning repair in Salem.

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Plan for Air Conditioning Repairs Now

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Spring is often the first opportunity you will have during the year to find out how well your air conditioner is running. When you turn it on for the first time, pay attention to all aspects of its operation. Look for any indications of faults or malfunctions. Loud, unusual sounds from the cabinets. Weak airflow from the vents. Circuit breakers constantly tripping. The compressor shutting off early, then turning right back on. Frost along the coils. All of these are warnings that the air conditioner isn’t ready for spring weather, let alone summer. Call a professional HVAC technician for repairs right away.

For quality air conditioning services in Salem, OR, make the call to a trusted name: Comfort Flow Heating. We’ve made comfort our calling for more than 50 years.

Why Take Care of AC Repairs Sooner Instead Of Later

A mild Salem spring can make it easy to dismiss air conditioning malfunctions. If the problem doesn’t seem to have much effect on the system’s cooling power, why not wait until summer to look into it further?

But you should never delay with repairs for an air conditioner for a number of reasons. First, malfunctions in any complex mechanical system will put additional strain on other components, causing problems to spread. What at first seemed like a minor glitch will enlarge into an expansive and expensive repair job after only a few weeks.

Second, the extra stress from a malfunction—even if it doesn’t trigger further failures—will cause the AC to run inefficiently. It will drain electrical power to overcome the repair needs, and this will translate into a spike on your electrical bills.

Third, you don’t want to have any fault in the air conditioner turn into a full breakdown when summer arrives. When the thermometer goes up, your AC will need to work more, and the additional stress put onto an already shaky machine can cause it to shut down. You don’t want to get stranded with a broken air conditioner on one of summer’s hottest days while waiting for emergency repairs.

Remember To Schedule Regular Maintenance

Let’s suppose that your air conditioner has already turned on and nothing seems amiss. You still need to contact a trustworthy repair service to schedule regular preventive maintenance for the system. All ACs should have annual maintenance to check for possible repair problems and to tune-up and clean the system so it will work at its best for the summer. An air conditioner that receives regular maintenance will sustain 95% of its efficiency for most of its life.

To have any necessary repairs done fast, call Comfort Flow Heating: we have 24-hour emergency service. Also inquire about out Energy Savings Agreement to maintain your air conditioning in Salem, OR.

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