If you’re like the majority of homeowners in our area, then a natural gas furnace is your system of choice to warm up your home during a chilly winter. Sure, our winters may be relatively mild compared to Midwest and some East coast residents, but that doesn’t mean the contrast in temperatures doesn’t get to us—we need a fully effective and efficient heater in our homes, right?
Gas furnaces are definitely the way to go for most of us—they produce a large amount of heat and do so at less expense than their electric-powered counterparts since natural gas costs less than electricity per unit.
However, it’s important to note that any natural gas appliance has the potential to develop safety issues—particularly aging systems that haven’t had proper maintenance each year. A well-maintained gas furnace will give you very little to worry about, and no gas furnace is inherently dangerous, but proper care is vital.
Why’s this? Because without proper care, an aging and ill-maintained furnace may end up with a cracked heat exchanger!
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