Do you know how to operate your heater correctly? You might be inclined to answer that question with an immediate “yes”, but it’s more than likely that you don’t. The best practices for your heater aren’t always the most convenient or perfunctory for homeowners. Our team here at Comfort Flow Heating wants to change that. Running your heater poorly will quickly result in unwanted repair services alongside a shorter furnace lifespan. No one wants that considering how big of an investment this is. If you need furnace repair in Salem, OR then make sure that you contact our team. We want to do more than just fix the issue at hand. Our friendly and conscientious team will help you become more acquainted with your home too.
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Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
3 Mistakes You’re Making that Cost You Money
Monday, January 21st, 2019Winter Furnace Problems to Watch Out For
Monday, January 7th, 2019The cold Oregon temperatures make you lean on your furnace heavily in winter. The frequent use of this system can make any problems that you currently have more apparent. There are also many problems that commonly arise in homes across the state during this time of year. Staying educated and knowing the signs can help you avoid a costly and inconvenient system breakdown. Here at Comfort Flow Heating, we’re here to help you avoid problems like this, so we’ve compiled a list of the biggest signs of furnace problems to watch out for. If you think that you need furnace repair services this winter in Springfield, OR then contact our team today.
What A Cracked Heat Exchanger Means for Your Home
Monday, December 24th, 2018You need your furnace for a Eugene winter—it’s non-negotiable! The best way to ensure that you’ll always stay warm and toasty during winter is to have a reliable HVAC team that you trust and to inform you about your furnace. You don’t need to know the complex inner workings or any in-depth industry jargon, but learning the basics will save you a headache. That’s why we’re here today to inform you about your heat exchanger because you don’t have to wait until something goes wrong with it to learn about it. We’re here for you here at Comfort Flow Heating, if you need furnace repair in Eugene, OR make sure to contact our team.
Having Trouble Heating Your Home this Winter? Here’s What To Do
Monday, December 10th, 2018It’s winter here in Eugene! That means cozy winter nights curled up indoors, hot cocoa, and holidays. We hope that you’re not having any problems with your heating system, but if you are, then we have service professionals ready to fix any heating problem that you might have. When you’re having trouble with your heating system, you need a professional. No video you watch on YouTube or article you read on WikiHow is ever going to be enough to substitute the expertise of a trained professional. If you need heating repair in Eugene, OR, contact our team today. If you want to know why your heater is acting up and what to do about it, keep reading below.
Is Ductless Heating Right for Your Home?
Monday, November 12th, 2018It could be! If you’re moving into a new home or thinking of upgrading your HVAC system, ductless heating is a great option, but how do you know if this type of system is right for you? If you’re unsure about how a ductless mini split system would work for you Eugene, OR home then keep reading below.
Remember that your HVAC system is only as good as your system and installation services, so you should always schedule your services with the professionals on our team. If you’d like great ductless services here in Oregon, then contact our team today to schedule an appointment.
It’s Fall—Time to Start Thinking About Heating Maintenance
Monday, October 1st, 2018We had a hot summer here in Eugene but now that it’s fall it’s important to look forward to the future and be proactive about your heater maintenance. When it comes to your HVAC system, you always want time on your side. Our cold weather here in Oregon is very wet and rainy and it’s important that you have a reliable heating system by your side through these months. At Comfort Flow Heating we service furnaces, heat pumps, ductless mini splits, and radiant floor heating. If you had any trouble with your heating system last winter and you need heating repairs in Eugene, OR we’re the right company for the job.
Why Isn’t One of the Units in My Ductless System Working?
Monday, March 5th, 2018The ductless mini split has many terrific advantages for both homes and businesses: high energy efficiency, zone control, less dust and dirt blown out from ductwork, and flexibility for buildings both new and old.
One advantage that doesn’t often get brought up: because there are multiple air handlers—the small units placed in different rooms around the house—rather than the single one used in standard central air conditioning, if one of the air handlers fails to work, it won’t affect the others. A house or commercial building doesn’t have to lose all its heating or cooling; only one zone is affected.
Of course, there’s still a problem—a failed air handler! If you have an air handler that isn’t sending out heated/cooled air or isn’t turning on at all, you’ll definitely want that fixed. Here are some of the possible reasons for one of your ductless mini split indoor units to stop working:
Watch for These Furnace Problems at the End of Winter
Monday, February 19th, 2018February is the last full month of winter—but we still have plenty of cold, rainy days ahead of us even through the spring. It’s important not to neglect your home’s furnace at this time of year. You may feel tempted to let apparently minor problems go without attention because you’ll soon be running the furnace less. This is a mistake, since any minor problem that isn’t fixed can start creating major problems. And the original minor problem may only be the tip of a bigger malfunction you haven’t detected yet.
To help you with diagnosing when your furnace needs late season help from HVAC professionals, we’ve put together a list of signs to watch for. Get in touch with us for furnace repair in Salem, OR or elsewhere in our wide service area.
What to Do When Your Furnace Dies on You
Monday, February 5th, 2018We honestly hope you haven’t landed on this blog page because you have a dead furnace right in the middle of winter. We never want this to happen to any of our customers … and it’s part of our job to fix furnaces! We would rather help people prevent furnace problems with our services, such as through our energy savings agreement or with targeted furnace repairs that fix problems before they cause a shutdown.
But not all furnace problems can be identified in time to stop a complete breakdown. We have the advice to help you through this situation—so although we’re sorry you had to come to this page, we’re glad you’re here to get the assistance you need.
A Ductless Heating Unit on the Wall Is Sagging—What’s Wrong?
Monday, January 22nd, 2018Ductless heating and cooling systems grow in popularity with each year. For new home construction, going with a ductless mini split heat pump is a great way to have more design freedom. There are many other benefits of using ductless heating, such as overall cost savings, improvements in indoor air quality, and the ease of repairs.
Speaking of repairs, if your home is equipped with a ductless heating and cooling system, you may need to have professionals fix problems on occasion. The best ductless mini splits should rarely run into malfunctions, but there are a few specific troubles that can affect them. One of them is when an indoor air handler—the basic units that send heated and cooled air into a room—appears to be sagging on the wall. What’s going on, and how urgent is the problem?