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Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Problems You Might Have with an Electric Furnace

Monday, January 8th, 2018

stripping-electric-wiresNot all homes have access to a natural gas pipeline to provide power to heating systems, stoves, ovens, and laundry machines. When it comes to providing winter warmth for these houses, there are a number of options available. The electric furnace is one of the most common. Electric furnaces are reliable, require fewer repairs than natural gas systems, and can last for many years.

But even with excellent regular maintenance, an electric furnace may run into repair issues at some time in its service life. Below we’ve listed a few of the more common. Keep a watch for inferior furnace performance so you’ll know it’s time to contact a licensed professional for furnace repair.

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A Warning About Cracked Heat Exchangers in Gas Furnace

Monday, December 25th, 2017

furnace-in-basementGas furnaces are not automatically dangerous devices. This is something we want to clear up right away so you won’t feel panic just because your home has a natural gas-powered furnace for heating. However, like most powerful appliances or any appliance that creates combustion gases, a furnace can potentially create health hazards if it isn’t maintained regularly or repaired as soon as symptoms of a malfunction appear. Treat a gas furnace well and you should have few worries about its performance.

However, we want to caution you about the most common cause for a gas furnace to become unsafe: cracked heat exchangers. This is most likely to happen in an old furnace (more than 15 years old), which is why we recommend looking into a replacement sooner rather than later. Regular maintenance helps catch this problem early so you’ll know it’s time to arrange for a heating replacement. In some situations, a targeted furnace repair may fix the problem.

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Some Important Furnace Repairs You Might Need

Monday, December 11th, 2017

gas-furnace-flamesHow do you heat your house during the winter? If we had to make a guess, we’d choose a gas furnace every time. Gas furnaces are the most common type of heater found across the country, thanks to their powerful heat output, easy availability of fuel, and energy efficient performance.

Of course, a gas furnace isn’t perfect, and the majority of them will run into one or two malfunctions during their service lives—possibly more if they don’t receive regular maintenance each year from professionals.

Below are some of the furnace repairs you may need for the best heating in Salem, OR or wherever you are in our service area. Keep a watch for the signs your furnace is experiencing trouble and don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here for you, any time of the day or night!

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Comparing Gas and Electric Furnaces

Monday, November 27th, 2017

furnace-gas-with-pipesWith few exceptions, all modern homes use electricity. But when it comes to home heating, electricity isn’t always the top choice. Natural gas, piped in through municipal lines, provides power to gas furnaces that are fast and effective at heating up a home during the winter. However, the option always exists to have an electric furnace instead. Furnaces are a flexible type of heating system, with different models using a range of energy sources. That’s why it’s easy for furnace installation experts to find a furnace to match almost any house.

Gas furnace and electric furnaces remain the two most common choices. Is there one that’s automatically a better option than the other? Let’s take a closer look at them to provide an answer to that question—but we’ll tell you upfront that the answer is “it depends on your home’s needs.” Trust to HVAC professionals to ensure you have the best possible heating system installation.

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Have You Had Heating Maintenance Yet?

Monday, November 13th, 2017

furnace-repair-technicianThe rainy, colder weather is here in Oregon, and we can expect it to stay through to spring. Of course, this is how it always is, and you expect the heating system in your house to work during the season keeping you and your family cozy.

But you can’t take your heater for granted! No matter if it’s a furnace, a heat pump, an in-floor radiant system, or a ductless mini split, it must have professional attention on a regular basis to ensure that it’s inspected and tuned-up. How regularly? Your heater must have maintenance ­every year.

The best time to have it scheduled is in the early fall so you beat out the cold weather. But it’s definitely not too late in the season to arrange for it! We offer Energy Savings Agreements which provide you with the routine maintenance your heater need. (The agreements also cover maintenance in the spring for your AC.)

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Why Is My Furnace Causing a Tripped Circuit Breaker?

Monday, February 20th, 2017

3-natural-gas-burnersWe’re still experiencing cold and rainy weather here in Oregon, and we can expect to have these conditions for a few weeks. (After all, that’s what we’ve come to expect in a state that gets this much rain.) We aren’t out of the woods yet when it comes to winter weather, so make sure that you are keeping a close watch on potential problems with your furnace or other heating system.

One problem that can occur with a furnace during this time of the year is that it starts to trip the circuit breaker when it turns on. This is something that you can’t ignore! If this happens, don’t simply keep resetting the circuit breaker and trying to carry on for as long as you can until the breaker trips once more. A circuit breaker trips for a reason—to protect the circuit from a large voltage surge—and whenever one trips, it’s a warning that something is wrong.

But… what’s wrong? We’ll take a look below.

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How Ductless Heating (and Cooling) Works

Monday, February 6th, 2017

ductless-mini-split-unitWe have previously recommended that homeowners look into having a ductless mini split installed for both heating and cooling. These systems are ideal for certain types of homes and applications, such as building a new house, providing comfort to add on rooms, or for older houses that lack the space to put in ductwork.

But how do these ductless systems actually work? When people think of heating that doesn’t use ducts, their thoughts will usually go to boilers. But ductless mini splits are forced-air heating systems that blow around heated air (or cooled air when required). How is this possible without ducts to distribute the air?

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Watch for Heating Emergencies During the Cold Snap!

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

weather-seasons-non-urbanOregon is currently experiencing a winter snowpack that is much higher than normal—and there’s even more snow and cold weather heading our way. The Eugene Public Works night crews have been laboring hard to de-ice, sand, and plow as required. There’s some good news in this: snowmelt this year will help replenish our fresh water reservoirs that are currently storing less water than average.

(Oh, and if you’re a skier, the Timberline Lodge and Ski Area has more than 130% of its historical snow average—with little wind! A great time to hit the slopes.)

But spring melt feels like it’s a long ways off at this point. You’re probably concerned with staying warm in your house, and that means extra stress on the heating system. Make sure that you pay special attention to the heater now, since the strain can lead to many different types of malfunctions—and possibly a completely broken-down heater. The faster you call our team for heating repairs in Eugene, OR, the sooner we can reach you and have the problem resolved.

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Is Your Radiant Heating System Leaking?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

There are some great reasons why radiant floor-heating systems are becoming more and more popular: they are incredibly energy efficient, last for many years, and provide a sensation of warmth (from right beneath people’s icy toes) that’s more comfortable and cozy than using conventional forced-air systems, i.e. furnaces and heat pumps.

If you have a radiant floor heating system, it was probably built into the house when it was constructed. You’re used to the system simply working whenever you want it, and haven’t had to give it much more thought. But this type of heater can suffer from malfunctions, just like any other type, and it’s important to detect the signs early so you can call for repairs.

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Is a Furnace Usually the Best Choice to Heat a Home?

Monday, December 19th, 2016

Furnaces are common in modern homes. In fact, the natural gas furnace is the system found in more homes in than U.S. than any other. So the easy assumption to make is that a furnace is simply the ideal choice for home heating.

Is there any truth to this?

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