If you are reading this, you’re probably giving serious consideration to putting in a new heating system for your house, or else you’re planning a new home and are thinking about the different options for a heater. Ductless heating systems, also known as ductless mini split heat pumps, are a choice for home comfort that is getting more popular each year, and for some very good reasons. But are these the right reasons for your house and your plans? Let’s take a closer look.
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Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
When Is Ductless Heating a Good Option for a Home?
Monday, December 12th, 2016It’s Not Too Late for Heating Maintenance
Monday, December 5th, 2016The rainy winter weather is here already in Eugene, and the temperatures are dropping. You might think that this means it’s too late for you to have fall maintenance done for your home’s heating system. But it’s not! We’re still officially in the fall for the next two weeks, and there is plenty of cold weather yet to come. You don’t want to have to manage a few solid months of chilly weather without a heating system you can rely on, do you? Our maintenance technicians are happy to get you on the schedule for an inspection and tune-up of your residential heater. Just call as soon as possible!
Use a Boiler for Your Business? Time to Get It Maintained!
Monday, November 28th, 2016Many commercial buildings today rely on roof-mounted packaged units for their heating. These are standard forced-air systems that operate the same way as split system heat pumps, except that all the components are stored in a single cabinet. However, your business may rely on a commercial boiler, which is an excellent way to provide central heating that’s not only powerful but also doesn’t blow around any dust or other pollutants. Commercial boilers remain a serious competitor with commercial heat pumps and furnaces.
But you need to be cautious when it comes to a commercial boiler, because it’s easy to get complacent about one. Boilers have a reputation for their low maintenance needs—but it’s simple to confuse “low maintenance” with “never needs maintenance” or maybe “only needs maintenance every couple of years.”
Don’t Make These Dire Mistakes with Your Gas Furnace!
Monday, November 7th, 2016We hope the word dire got your attention. Some of these gas furnace mistakes can indeed cause serious problems and health hazards. Others will result in a gas furnace that wastes money or can’t do the job—and these can be dire under the right circumstances. Regardless, everything we’ve listed here is something you shouldn’t be doing with your gas furnace. When you need help with a furnace, always contact the HVAC professionals who can get the job done right.
Does a Furnace Really Dry Out a Home’s Air?
Monday, October 24th, 2016Cold weather is often accompanied by a drop in humidity levels. This is why people experience trouble with static electricity more often during the winter. Fortunately, we don’t often experience excessively dry winters in Eugene, and the drop in humidity usually stays within a pleasant and healthy range.
However, you may have heard that a furnace dries out a home’s air, potentially leading to air that is too dry during the winter. Is there any truth to this?
Take Your Furnace for a Test Run before Winter
Monday, October 17th, 2016Cooler weather has arrived here in Eugene, and the actual cold weather won’t be far behind. There are still a few more weeks to go before the winter sets in, and it’s a good idea to take advantage of this period to find out if your furnace has any malfunctions that need to be repaired. You don’t want to find out later, during one of the coldest days of the year, that your furnace is in serious trouble! We recommend that you give your furnace a short test run before you have to regularly depend on it.
Why Won’t My Heat Pump Switch Over to Heating Mode?
Monday, October 10th, 2016As we start to move into the cooler time of the year, our heat pumps will beging switching over to their heating modes. Eventually, they’ll be set in heating mode for good—or at least until spring comes around!
But what if you turn on your heat pump for the first time, or the second or third time, and it won’t change over and start blowing our warm air? Obviously, this is a problem. There are a couple of possible explanations for this behavior, which we’ll examine below.
Are There Other Options Than a Furnace for Winter Heating?
Monday, September 26th, 2016Furnaces are so common in homes that it’s often easy to talk about “home heating” and only refer to a furnace. However, it isn’t a safe assumption to make that a household uses a furnace for comfort during the winter. There are other options available. If you’re in the market for a new heating system this fall, you might be interested in an alternative to the natural gas furnace. Let’s take a look some of them.
How to Know It Is Time to Install a New Furnace
Monday, September 19th, 2016You probably have a furnace providing heat to your home for the winters. We can state this with some confidence, since furnaces are the most common kind of residential heating systems. Although other heaters are gaining popularity, such as heat pumps and radiant heating systems, furnaces are still dominant.
Questions People Often Ask about Heating Maintenance
Monday, September 12th, 2016Last week we started our September reminders for customers to arrange for a visit from one of our friendly technicians to inspect and tune-up their heating systems. Have you called yet to get on the schedule for fall maintenance? September is definitely the time to do it, before the colder weather arrives and our technicians get busier.
You might still be hesitating about heating maintenance because you have questions about it. We’ll answer some of the more common questions that people have below. If you have any further concerns, simply contact our office and we’ll answer all your questions.