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Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Welcome to September: Time to Think about Heating Maintenance

Monday, September 5th, 2016

September has arrived, and even though the official end of summer isn’t for two more weeks, the temperatures are already starting to cool down. Before you know it, most of fall will be past and winter will be looking over the edge of the calendar.

In the HVAC world, September means it’s time to start preparing for heating season. You may not need to turn your heating system on for another month, or perhaps longer, but it’s time to get to ready to go to work so you won’t have to worry about its performance when the first major cold spell strikes.

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Heating Repair Needs to Watch for at the End of Winter

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

It’s still winter, but with February more than half over, spring is already coming up over the horizon. You’ll still need your home’s heating system working away for a stretch longer. Since the heater has already put in a good deal of work, now is when you should pay special attention to it. The stress of steady operation may cause it to malfunction, and if it does, you must call HVAC technicians to repair it right away rather than hope you can coast out the rest of the season. The faster the problem fixed, the less the repair work is likely to cost, and the smaller the chance of the problem spreading to create greater trouble.

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Cracked Heat Exchangers in Your Furnace and How to Avoid Them

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Gas furnaces are one of the most effective ways to provide comfort to your home in winter while saving money. (Natural gas is a less expensive energy source than electricity). However, there is some potential for health hazards with a gas furnace because of carbon monoxide leaks. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that is a byproduct of the combustion of natural gas. It is also highly toxic. The most likely way for carbon monoxide to enter a home is through cracks in the heat exchanger of a furnace.

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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule a Maintenance Inspection and Tune-Up

Monday, January 18th, 2016

No matter what type of heating system you use to keep your home cozy and warm through the winter—heat pump, furnace, radiant heating system—it needs to receive maintenance from professionals each fall to prepare it for the rigors of the coming job during winter.

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Advice for Your Thermostat Settings This Winter

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Every winter, many thousands of homeowners in Oregon needlessly waste energy heating their homes. Some of this waste comes from poorly maintained equipment, or heating systems that aren’t well-matched to the house. A significant amount of the waste comes from leaks in air ducts that require sealing.

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Why Newer Gas Furnaces Have Higher Energy Efficiency

Monday, January 4th, 2016

No furnace is meant to last forever, regardless of how durably it’s built. Once a gas furnace is older than 15 years, it’s time to start thinking about a replacement. And if a furnace is older than 20 years, it’s time to stop thinking about a replacement and just replace it.

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Does Rust on My Furnace Just Mean It’s Getting Old?

Monday, December 28th, 2015

Rust and age go hand-in-hand, but when it comes to your furnace, rust is an indicator that it’s time to call for help. Your furnace should not develop rust, even if it has some age to it. Why not? Your furnace doesn’t work with water in any capacity, like a boiler does. As such, rust indicates there is a moisture problem somewhere around your furnace, and this problem should be resolved as soon as possible. Once rust and corrosion take hold, it is just about impossible to stop it.

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Considering Radiant Heating? You Have a Choice to Make

Monday, November 16th, 2015

Congratulations! You have chosen to add radiant heating to your home in Eugene, OR. Maybe the idea of toasty floors in the middle of winter won you over, or knowing that a radiant heating system won’t aggravate the allergy sufferers in your home. Now that you’ve made this decision, you have one more decision to make: which type of radiant heating are you going to use? Not sure? Here is a quick overview on the two types of radiant heating available.

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What Are My Choices for Heating Replacement?

Monday, November 9th, 2015

You know you need to get a new heating system for your home in Eugene, OR, and now is the time to do it. But with so many options, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The heating pros from Comfort Flow Heating can help – all you have to do is give us a call. Working with a trained professional right from the beginning of your replacement process helps ensure that you choose the right system for your home, that your heater is properly sized and properly installed. We are those experts, and we are here to help you with all of your heat replacement needs.

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What Is AFUE?

Monday, October 5th, 2015

You’ve likely seen the miles per gallon (mpg) on a car, and possibly an ENERGY STAR rating on an appliance. Heating systems also have ratings that give you important information, and when it comes to heating systems that generate heat from either combustion fuel or electricity, this rating is AFUE. If you are in need of a replacement heating system this winter, or want to upgrade to a more energy efficient heating system, you are going to want to take a close look at the AFUE rating.

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