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4 Ways to Boost Your Heating Efficiency This Season

jets-of-a-natural-gas-furnaceWinter is coming faster than we think, and we want you to be prepared. Sure, we might not have a climate that’s as bitterly cold as other parts of the world, but our winter seasons still pack quite the punch and require a fully functioning heater to keep us warm.

Having a great heating system is about many things—reliability, effectiveness, and efficiency. You want a heater that’s going to work as efficiently as possible. Our heating seasons are definitely too long to be overpaying for comfort! The good news is, there are several simple steps you can take that will boost the efficiency of your heater, and save you money as a result.

1.     Upgrade Your Thermostat

The thermostat of your HVAC systems may seem like a very small component, but it has a big job. It may be small, but it’s essentially the “brain” of your heating and cooling systems. It’s the component through which you communicate with your climate control systems, and upgrading to even the most basic digital thermostat, or even better a programmable or smart thermostat, can help you start enjoying more efficient comfort.

2.     Use Weatherstripping to Keep Drafts Away

The heat from your furnace can seep out through cracks in your windows and doors. This means you’re losing energy that you are still paying for. You may consider investing in weatherstripping in order to seal your windows and doors, ensuring that the heat in your home stays in your home.

3.     Use Your Ceiling Fans

This may seem like a strange tip to be sharing for fall and winter weather, but hear us out. Yes, when it’s summertime, you use your ceiling fans in combination with your air conditioner. You may have noticed that this distributes the cooled air more effectively, and even allows you to turn the thermostat up a few degrees, saving money in the process.

Well… this same principle can be applied to your heater, simply by reversing the direction of the fan blades. There is a switch located near the center of the fan, usually above the blades. One flick of that switch and you’ll have more efficient warmth! Do remember that when the weather warms back up again, you’ll need to switch it back.

4.     Schedule Maintenance!

Scheduling routine maintenance tune-ups for your furnace or heating system is the number one way to make sure it works as effectively and efficiently as possible, throughout its lifespan. During maintenance, our technicians will fully inspect your furnace for any potential repair needs, we’ll make adjustments, and we will comprehensively clean the system. Each of these steps ensures that the furnace works performs as well as possible.

Maintenance should be scheduled once a year for your furnace. If you’re using a different kind of heating system, such as a year-round heat pump or ductless system, this doesn’t mean you get to skip spring maintenance! You’ll need biannual service for these types of systems.

For professional service on your Salem, OR heating system, contact Comfort Flow Heating today!

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