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How You Can Prevent Furnace Problems

technician-working-on-furnaceOctober can be a fun time of the year in Salem—October is here and homeowners are busy planning Halloween parties and costumes. Temperatures are dropping and that means everyone is planning to have their furnaces professional maintained, too.

Wait, what’s that? You haven’t scheduled your furnace maintenance yet? Well, that is the only way you’re going to prevent the worst of furnace problems. More on that below.

The furnace is still the most popular type of heating system found in homes today. Today’s models are built with efficiency and performance in mind, not to mention safety. But we in the HVAC industry can only promise these things if you keep up on your annual furnace maintenance tune-ups.

Why does this matter?

Your Furnace Will Be Safer

This is probably the most important problem to resolve—or rather, prevent—when it comes to your furnace. You don’t need to worry about your heater becoming a danger during the winter. But this is a valid concern for homeowners who use gas-powered furnaces.

During your furnace maintenance appointment, our professionals run through an inspection checklist that has us looking at places where your furnace may develop safety problems, like a cracked heat exchanger or a loose gas line. The peace of mind alone that you’ll get from this thorough inspect could be enough to get you to schedule maintenance. Still not convinced? Read on!

Prevent the Majority of Furnace Problems

Swinging back around to our first point—routine furnace maintenance helps you avoid common and recurrent furnace problems.

When temperatures drop low enough this winter, the last thing you’ll want to do is scramble to call for repairs because the heater abruptly stopped working. We do offer prompt repairs, however, we’d like to help you avoid these problems in the first place, by ensuring the reliability of your heating system. Maintenance gives your furnace the best chance of coming through the winter without an interruption in service.

Maintenance also stops smaller repair issues and inconveniences that add up to both money and time wasted. In fact, keeping up with routine maintenance prevents up to 85% of the repairs a furnace may need over its service life.

Extend the Lifespan of Your Furnace

Speaking of that service life, you want your furnace to last for many years before you need to replace it. An early furnace replacement is very likely an expense you don’t want to take on! Maintenance helps your heating system achieve the longest possible effective service life.

Keep Your Heating Bills from Rising

When a furnace is well-maintained, it works more efficiently. ON the other hand, a furnace that doesn’t receive routine tune-ups and cleaning starts to wear down faster than they otherwise would. With problems like extra friction on the motors and burners struggling to produce enough heat, the furnace will drain more power to run, causing an increase in your heating bills.

Maintain the Warranty

The warranty for most furnace systems is only good if that furnace has its annual inspection and tune-up from a licensed HVAC professional. Make sure your furnace keeps this important protection! Otherwise, when something goes wrong, you’ll be financially liable to make repairs, even if it was a manufacturer’s default that caused the repair need.

For professional heating maintenance and expert furnace repair in Salem, OR, contact Comfort Flow Heating today!

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