Comfort Flow Heating Blog

Forced-Air Heating and Humidity: What You Should Know

January 18th, 2021

woman-looking-cold-imposed-on-blue-backgroundIt’s a chilly winter day. You’ve just walked inside only to be greeted by static shock through everything you touch. That darn dry air! Static shock is definitely a nuisance side effect of wintertime weather.

And it doesn’t help when you run your heater, right? Forced-air heating systems like furnaces, heat pumps, or even space heaters seem to suck out moisture even more.

What’s happening is that the colder the temperatures are, the harder it is to “hold on” to humidity. The ideal relative humidity level in any home is between 30–50%, and during the winter, it’s pretty regularly under 30%.

Thankfully, there’s something you can do about this, and it doesn’t involve shutting down your heater (thank goodness!). Read on to learn more.

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Is a Whole House Air Purifier Worth the Investment?

January 4th, 2021

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundWe’re never going to answer this question with a “no,” but we imagine you’d like more of an explanation than that—and we’re here to give it!

Many homeowners have struggled recently with determining how to stay healthy inside their homes. “Indoor air quality” has become a buzzword of sorts, but achieving good indoor air quality is definitely not a fad! In fact, we’ve been touting the benefits of whole-house air purifiers for years now, and will continue to do so.

Keep in mind, there is no indoor air quality product that can guarantee you’ll never deal with virus transmission in your house. But using the right indoor air quality solutions can certainly help lower your risk of problems. A whole-house air purifier is one of those solutions. Read on to learn more!

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How to Cope with a Broken Down Heater

December 21st, 2020

furnace-jetsThe last thing any Oregon homeowner wants to face during the fall or winter is a broken down heater. Of course, this is a lot less likely to happen so long as you keep up on your heating maintenance appointments. Maintenance lets our trained professionals comprehensively inspect your entire system for potential problems, make any adjustments needed, and thoroughly clean the whole unit.

This helps the heater perform more efficiently and powerfully, plus it helps you avoid sudden and urgent emergencies.

Of course, if you’re reading this post there’s a good chance that you’ve already had a heating emergency occur. Be sure to give us a call! In the meantime, we don’t want you to be too chilly while you wait for your repair tech to arrive. Read on for some tips on how to cope.

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“My Heater Is Drying Out My Air, What’s Wrong With It?”

December 7th, 2020

man-looking-at-thermostat-on-a-cold-daySo here’s the thing: there might not be anything wrong with your heater. If there is something wrong with your heater, we are definitely the team to call! And to be fair, this is a call we get pretty often. Dry air is an issue for folks running their heating system on a daily, and even hourly, basis.

The assumption that heaters dry out the air is true to a point. When the level of moisture outdoors drops, as it does every winter, then your indoor relative humidity level drops as well. Anything below 30% is considered too low, and it will cause discomfort in addition to lowered immunity, leading to you and your family members catching illnesses easier. Low humidity can even cause property damage as wood starts to dry out and splinter.

But if your heater is only a small part of the problem, and even if it were the main problem, you wouldn’t want to stop using it anyway, what can you do? Read on to find out!

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Heed These Signs of a Furnace in Disrepair

November 23rd, 2020

technician-inspecting-furnaceWhen you live somewhere that’s consistently chilly as it is here in the Salem area, you need a strong heating system to keep you cozy during the winter. Many homeowners have a furnace in place to get this job done. In fact, most homeowners choose this system type—so we are pretty familiar with them! This means we know all the ins and outs of their service, and what type of repair needs are most common with them as well. Remember, just like any other complex piece of machinery, your furnace will need repairs.

You can prevent the worst of repair needs with thorough professional maintenance tune-ups. During these appointments, our professionals comprehensively inspect your furnace, making adjustments and cleaning the system as necessary. All of this serves to help the system run more efficiently, powerfully, and to help prevent the biggest repair needs you might face. But your system can still experience malfunctions between tune-ups, and for this reason it’s vital that you know the signs of a furnace in disrepair.

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Have You Scheduled Heating Maintenance Yet?

November 9th, 2020

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundMaybe you are coming back from a First Saturday Park Walk in Eugene or perhaps you’re simply returning from running some errands. Whatever your day looks like, you are going to want to come home to a warm, comfortable house. You have a reliable heater, so you are pretty reassured that your home environment is going to be where you want it to be.

What if there was a way to guarantee your comfort when you came home though? You wouldn’t just be “pretty sure,” you’d be 110% sure that your home will be optimally cozy when you walk in the door. The services we provide for the systems used for heating in Eugene, OR can provide this confidence. For now, though, we’d like to focus on the easiest service to knock out before the weather really gets cold: heating system maintenance.

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4 Signs You Need an Upgraded Electrical Panel

October 26th, 2020

2-electricians-working-on-electrical-panelAlso referred to as the circuit breaker panel, the electrical panel in your home is tasked with keeping your entire household’s electrical system running smoothly … and more importantly, safely.

It’s likely you don’t think a lot about your panel, unless maybe you’re resetting breakers on a regular basis (we’ll cover this among other signs below).

If you’ve lived in your home for a couple of decades or longer and have never had an electrical inspection done, then you definitely want to keep reading. Aging service panels require special care and attention to ensure they’re not operating in an unsafe way that can threaten your home and family.

If you do realize you have an emergency electrical need, we’re the team to call. But we would also like to help you avoid power emergencies. We’ve gone ahead and shared four signs that you need an electrical panel upgrade.

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Use This Trick to Boost HVAC Efficiency!

October 12th, 2020

tech-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitDo you have a modern, high-efficiency air conditioner?

Next question: do you have a modern, high-efficiency thermostat to match it? Or, are you still using an old manual thermostat with a slider, or even a basic digital thermostat? We can help you with an upgrade that will instantly boost your HVAC efficiency and more–a WiFi or smart thermostat!

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The Biggest Benefits of Home Automation

September 28th, 2020

woman-controlling-thermostat-from-smart-phoneIn our previous blog post, we talked about what exactly it means to have a “smart home” and what home automation looks like. You know the systems that are available to you, but how do they really benefit you? Read on to find out!

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What Does It Mean to Have a “Smart Home”?

September 14th, 2020

persons-hand-controlling-home-systemsMore and more often, homeowners are hearing the term “smart home.” But what does this actually mean? You may have seen a movie or two about houses that seem to have a mind of their own. While these tropes are a bit farfetched, they’re not too far off from what’s possible with technology today.

Smart homes are homes with automated technology, allowing you to set up your household the way you want it, with things like automated thermostats, lighting, security systems, and even home theaters. Read on to learn more!

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