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Posts Tagged ‘Eugene’

Where Ductless Mini Splits Can Make a Big Difference

Monday, June 26th, 2017

ductless-air-handlerOne of the services we offer to homes and businesses in Oregon is the installation of Mitsubishi ductless mini split heat pumps. Mitsubishi is a top manufacturer of mini splits heat pumps and other heating and cooling systems, and we’re proud to carry their products.

However, you might wonder if having ductless mini splits installed in Eugene, OR is the right choice for your home. Ductless systems offer numerous advantages, but they aren’t the ideal heating and cooling choice for all buildings or all situations. We’re going to take a look at times when putting in a ductless mini split can make a big difference. If you want to know more details or you wish schedule an appointment to find out if going ductless for your heating and cooling needs is your best option, please contact us.

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Why You Shouldn’t Attempt AC Repairs on Your Own

Monday, June 12th, 2017

tools-on-ac-unitWe live in a “do-it-yourself” culture, and much of that is the responsibility—some would say the fault—of the Internet. Anyone today can type a few terms into a search engine on topics as diverse as gardening to automotive repair and come away with a handy-dandy lists of “surefire” tips for how to take care of that [fill in the blank] problem without needing to pay a professional to do it.

With some jobs, a bit of knowledge and some hard work is all it takes to be able to “do it yourself.” But DIY culture unfortunately often leads people astray so they attempt to handle tasks that only professionals can do properly. One of these tasks is air conditioning system repair.

Air conditioners are a part of everyday life during summers, so it’s only natural people would want to attempt to fix faulty ones on their own. It seems like it would save money and time. But it won’t: it will likely waste both and have even larger consequences. No matter what type of air conditioning system your home relies on, only trained and licensed professionals like ours should tackle repairs, regardless of how “minor” they may seem.

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A Few Things You Need to Know about Wi-Fi Thermostats

Monday, May 29th, 2017

adjusting-thermostatIt’s always tempting to update to the newest and “shiniest” piece of technology available. But it isn’t always the best path to take. When it comes to comfort in your house, you should be cautious of trying to make any updates to your HVAC system that aren’t done in connection with trained professionals.

One trap that we sometimes see homeowners fall into is making an upgrade to their thermostat by purchasing a Wi-Fi enabled “smart” thermostat from an online retailer and then either trying to install it themselves or have an HVAC company install it for them. If you want to upgrade your comfort system with new climate controls, call on the professionals ­first so they can guide you toward the best solution—and away from some expensive and even damaging missteps.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Dying? 4 Ways to Tell

Monday, May 15th, 2017

question-mark-badgeNo machine lasts forever, no matter how sturdily it’s constructed or how well it’s cared for. Your household air conditioner has a limited lifespan, and when it approaches the end of it, it’s a wise idea to have the system replaced before it suffers from a total breakdown. You’ll end up trapped on a hot day (because that’s the most likely time for system stress to cause a failure) with no immediate relief in sight as you scramble to schedule new AC installation. And during those final months—or perhaps years—of the dying AC’s lifespan, it will waste money through inefficient operation.

We want to help you diagnose when an air conditioning system is on life support. This way you can arrange for a convenient replacement, prevent an emergency loss of cooling, and begin saving money with a fresh system with superior energy efficiency.

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Duct Sealing: It’s Not a Job for Duct Tape!

Monday, May 1st, 2017

ducts-in-atticEveryone is getting ready for the coming of summer weather around here, and that means taking care of air conditioning maintenance jobs, both for homes and businesses. Maintaining your air conditioner with the help of our skilled technicians is the best way to ensure an AC that works without fault over the summer and won’t cost more to run than it should.

But there’s more to keeping your AC energy efficient than seeing it’s properly maintained. One of the big “energy thieves” in homes comes from leaks in the ductwork, and it’s something that people often don’t think about. Proper duct sealing from ventilation professionals can stop your HVAC system from losing from 20% to 30% of the air moving through it. Think about what that means: that’s air you pay to cool in the summer (or heat during the winter) that simply goes to waste. With the ducts sealed up, you’ll see significant savings on your monthly energy bills.

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Sign Up for Commercial HVAC Maintenance with Us

Monday, April 17th, 2017

serviving-three-rooftop-unitsDuring spring is the time when we emphasize to our customers how vital regular HVAC maintenance is. Preparing for the approaching hot weather with an inspection and tune-up for the air conditioning system is the essential way to prevent repair troubles, energy waste, and shortened equipment life.

This maintenance isn’t only for homeowners. It’s doubly important for a commercial space, no matter its size or function. Proper air conditioning not only handles comfort for employees, customers, clientele, tenants, etc. but is key to protecting equipment from overheating and helping with process. Where a home only needs worry about the comfort of a few people, a business must concern itself with the comfort of many—and that includes many of the machines inside.

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Time to Test Your AC (And See if It Needs Fixing)

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

wall-clockIn our last two blog posts, we looked over the benefits of spring maintenance for an air conditioner and why it’s important to schedule it this time of year. As important as professional maintenance is, however, you still need to do testing of your own before the summer heat arrives. You don’t want to be surprised when you turn on your air conditioner for the first time during the year and find that it’s failed. Yes, even with regular maintenance, this can happen. We recommend you take your air conditioner for a test run during the spring to catch any lingering troubles early on.

Pick a day with cool or warm outdoor temperatures when you won’t mind having the air conditioner running for an hour or so, but when you don’t actually need it for comfort. Turn it on, and then take some time to watch for faults, small and large, that indicate you should contact our HVAC technicians for air conditioning repair in Eugene, OR or elsewhere in the state. Below are some behaviors to watch for that are warnings about malfunctions or a system that’s aging rapidly.

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The Many Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 20th, 2017

AC-fan-bladesMarch and April mark the shift in the weather as we enter spring and start to move toward the heat of summer. This is the ideal time to arrange for your air conditioning system’s annual maintenance. Although there are a few basic jobs you can do on your own when it comes to maintaining an AC (such as regularly changing the air filter), full maintenance that makes an actual difference must be left to professionals. Only a trained technician can handle the numerous tasks, such as inspecting motors and electrical connection and cleaning coils and moving parts, that go into a complete maintenance check and tune-up. You can depend on our technicians to provide your AC with top quality maintenance each year.

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March Is the Time to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 6th, 2017

schedule-service-reminderThere’s an old saying, dating back to at least the 17th century: “March enters like a lamb, leaves like a lion.” Or it might be “enters like a lion, leaves like a lamb.” You see both. But the message is the same: March is arguably the most unpredictable month for weather. Most of March is still officially winter, but the movement toward warmer weather has started. Your HVAC systems have to be ready for any shift in temperature extremes.

Regardless of the swings in March weather, for HVAC technicians this is the month to start working on air conditioning maintenance. Steady warm weather followed by hot weather isn’t far away. Homeowners who have their cooling systems inspected and tuned-up this time of year will be well-situated for the first heat wave.

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Why Is My Furnace Causing a Tripped Circuit Breaker?

Monday, February 20th, 2017

3-natural-gas-burnersWe’re still experiencing cold and rainy weather here in Oregon, and we can expect to have these conditions for a few weeks. (After all, that’s what we’ve come to expect in a state that gets this much rain.) We aren’t out of the woods yet when it comes to winter weather, so make sure that you are keeping a close watch on potential problems with your furnace or other heating system.

One problem that can occur with a furnace during this time of the year is that it starts to trip the circuit breaker when it turns on. This is something that you can’t ignore! If this happens, don’t simply keep resetting the circuit breaker and trying to carry on for as long as you can until the breaker trips once more. A circuit breaker trips for a reason—to protect the circuit from a large voltage surge—and whenever one trips, it’s a warning that something is wrong.

But… what’s wrong? We’ll take a look below.

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