Comfort Flow Heating Blog:
Posts Tagged ‘furnace replacement’

Now Is the Time for This Important Heating Service

Monday, October 24th, 2022


Would you skip over an oil change on your car? Absolutely not! So why are you skipping out on the maintenance for your heating systems and air conditioning? Winter is just around the corner, and soon your heater will be working around the clock to keep your family warm and comfortable no matter what the temperatures are outside. It’s equally important to maintain both heating and cooling systems to prevent failures and ensure year-round comfort. Neglect is the number one reason furnaces wear out, so regular maintenance is essential.

Regular tune-ups and maintenance services are the best way to keep your heater running at its best year after year. And now is the time for this important heating service. You don’t want to put off maintenance until your heater stops working because something is wrong. Annual service is a low investment compared to an expensive repair. If you need furnace repair in Springfield, OR, our team is here to help. We can ensure that your heater is in the best condition possible to take on the coldest temperatures this year. If you’re unsure whether your furnace needs repairs or a replacement, here are signs that indicate you may need a new furnace.

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What to Do When Your Furnace Dies on You

Monday, February 5th, 2018

cold-sweater-manWe honestly hope you haven’t landed on this blog page because you have a dead furnace right in the middle of winter. We never want this to happen to any of our customers … and it’s part of our job to fix furnaces! We would rather help people prevent furnace problems with our services, such as through our energy savings agreement or with targeted furnace repairs that fix problems before they cause a shutdown.

But not all furnace problems can be identified in time to stop a complete breakdown. We have the advice to help you through this situation—so although we’re sorry you had to come to this page, we’re glad you’re here to get the assistance you need.

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How to Know It Is Time to Install a New Furnace

Monday, September 19th, 2016

You probably have a furnace providing heat to your home for the winters. We can state this with some confidence, since furnaces are the most common kind of residential heating systems. Although other heaters are gaining popularity, such as heat pumps and radiant heating systems, furnaces are still dominant.

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