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Posts Tagged ‘Heating Maintenance’

End of Season Maintenance – It’s Not too Late!

Monday, February 24th, 2025

You’re at a fork in the road with your heater – you can schedule professional maintenance now, or you can wait to schedule the service later in the fall season. We know there are a variety of factors that can go into how you make this decision, and we hope to encourage you to prioritize the service earlier rather than later. 

Keep reading to learn about the reasons that scheduling furnace maintenance now is a great idea when you consider longevity and efficiency for your unit. Then give us a call to get an appointment on our calendar as the season winds down and we look forward to warmer weather. 

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Extending the Life of Your System: Changing Your Filters & Other Efficiency Tips!

Monday, February 10th, 2025

You may think that the regular maintenance steps you complete for your HVAC system aren’t really that big of a deal. If you do them, great! If not, does it really matter? The short answer is yes, it really does. The simple and quick steps can make a huge difference for or against both energy efficiency and longevity. 

Keep reading to learn our top recommendations for taking care of your HVAC system so that you can save money on energy costs and future repair bills. Then when you’re ready, give our team a call to get on the schedule for professional maintenance so that we can help you take HVAC care one step further.

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Heat Pumps: Reversing Valve Problems

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Heat pump problems can be a headache, especially when it is getting colder outside and your heat pump won’t switch modes. Whether you have a more traditional central system or a mini split not working in heat mode, our team can help.

Just give us a call to schedule service. Whether you know what is wrong or not, our team can troubleshoot and help you figure it out. You can keep reading to learn more about some common concerns with heat pump reversing valves. 

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Have You Scheduled Heating Maintenance Yet?

Monday, November 9th, 2020

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundMaybe you are coming back from a First Saturday Park Walk in Eugene or perhaps you’re simply returning from running some errands. Whatever your day looks like, you are going to want to come home to a warm, comfortable house. You have a reliable heater, so you are pretty reassured that your home environment is going to be where you want it to be.

What if there was a way to guarantee your comfort when you came home though? You wouldn’t just be “pretty sure,” you’d be 110% sure that your home will be optimally cozy when you walk in the door. The services we provide for the systems used for heating in Eugene, OR can provide this confidence. For now, though, we’d like to focus on the easiest service to knock out before the weather really gets cold: heating system maintenance.

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How You Can Prevent Furnace Problems

Monday, October 14th, 2019

technician-working-on-furnaceOctober can be a fun time of the year in Salem—October is here and homeowners are busy planning Halloween parties and costumes. Temperatures are dropping and that means everyone is planning to have their furnaces professional maintained, too.

Wait, what’s that? You haven’t scheduled your furnace maintenance yet? Well, that is the only way you’re going to prevent the worst of furnace problems. More on that below.

The furnace is still the most popular type of heating system found in homes today. Today’s models are built with efficiency and performance in mind, not to mention safety. But we in the HVAC industry can only promise these things if you keep up on your annual furnace maintenance tune-ups.

Why does this matter?

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It’s Fall—Time to Start Thinking About Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 1st, 2018

red-orange-fall-leaves-against-mountainWe had a hot summer here in Eugene but now that it’s fall it’s important to look forward to the future and be proactive about your heater maintenance. When it comes to your HVAC system, you always want time on your side. Our cold weather here in Oregon is very wet and rainy and it’s important that you have a reliable heating system by your side through these months. At Comfort Flow Heating we service furnaces, heat pumps, ductless mini splits, and radiant floor heating. If you had any trouble with your heating system last winter and you need heating repairs in Eugene, OR we’re the right company for the job.

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Have You Had Heating Maintenance Yet?

Monday, November 13th, 2017

furnace-repair-technicianThe rainy, colder weather is here in Oregon, and we can expect it to stay through to spring. Of course, this is how it always is, and you expect the heating system in your house to work during the season keeping you and your family cozy.

But you can’t take your heater for granted! No matter if it’s a furnace, a heat pump, an in-floor radiant system, or a ductless mini split, it must have professional attention on a regular basis to ensure that it’s inspected and tuned-up. How regularly? Your heater must have maintenance ­every year.

The best time to have it scheduled is in the early fall so you beat out the cold weather. But it’s definitely not too late in the season to arrange for it! We offer Energy Savings Agreements which provide you with the routine maintenance your heater need. (The agreements also cover maintenance in the spring for your AC.)

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Take Your Furnace for a Test Run before Winter

Monday, October 17th, 2016

Cooler weather has arrived here in Eugene, and the actual cold weather won’t be far behind. There are still a few more weeks to go before the winter sets in, and it’s a good idea to take advantage of this period to find out if your furnace has any malfunctions that need to be repaired. You don’t want to find out later, during one of the coldest days of the year, that your furnace is in serious trouble! We recommend that you give your furnace a short test run before you have to regularly depend on it.

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Reminder: Your Heat Pump Needs a Tune-Up in Fall As Well!

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

With fall now fully underway, it’s definitely time to stop thinking about scheduling maintenance for your heating system and actually schedule it. You want to be on the calendar for maintenance as soon as possible so you can avoid the rush as the winter closes in.

“But wait,” you may say, “I use a heat pump for comfort. It already had its annual tune-up back in spring. Does it need another one?”

The answer to that is simple, “Yes it does.” However, we’ll explain in more detail.

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Questions People Often Ask about Heating Maintenance

Monday, September 12th, 2016

Last week we started our September reminders for customers to arrange for a visit from one of our friendly technicians to inspect and tune-up their heating systems. Have you called yet to get on the schedule for fall maintenance? September is definitely the time to do it, before the colder weather arrives and our technicians get busier.

You might still be hesitating about heating maintenance because you have questions about it. We’ll answer some of the more common questions that people have below. If you have any further concerns, simply contact our office and we’ll answer all your questions.

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