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Here’s Why a Ductless System Should be Your Next Home Comfort Installation

ductless-air-handlerFor many homes, a ductless system is the right option. If you are considering a different heating installation in Eugene, OR, take a closer look at how a ductless heating and cooling system may work in your space. For many property owners, it offers numerous benefits.

What Are They?

Sometimes called a ductless mini-split heat pump, ductless systems are common in various parts of Europe and in Japan, but haven’t been seen as much in the U.S. until more recently. It’s a type of heat pump that does not attach to a single indoor unit. Rather, it connects to several indoor air handlers. These are smaller and located on the wall. They help to send heated or cooled air into the room. They don’t use ductwork to do this. 

What Are the Benefits?

Ductless heating and cooling systems offer a wide range of benefits for property owners. Here are some of them.

More Efficient Than Window AC Units or Space Heaters

For those who are using air conditioning window units in the summer or space heaters in the winter to better control the indoor temperature, ductless systems may be a better option that reduces energy consumption. They are smaller with smaller motors that do not require as much power to keep them working at their best. 

They also don’t suffer from heat gain or loss, which is typically a problem with duct systems. That helps to reduce energy consumption, too. They need less energy to keep themselves operating at their best. There’s no duct leak to worry about either, which, when present, may cause up to 30% of a loss in heated and cooled air. 

They Are Safer Than Space Heaters

They are also far better in terms of safety than space heaters which may tip over and cause a fire. These systems remain in place and don’t need to be moved around. There’s less risk that they are going to cause problems. 

Built-In Zone Control

One of the nice benefits of these systems is that they allow for better zone control. That is, you can use them where you need to in the home rather than paying to heat or cool the whole home. Each wall unit can operate on its own from the others, allowing you to keep the home comfortable as you move through it. 

Space Savings

Many people don’t realize just how much space is taken up by things like window units (which also block out the view) and space heaters. This option can provide you with the warmth or cooling you need throughout the year without clogging up your space. Most often, the units are up on the wall out of the way.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

These systems may also improve air quality, which is essential for those who are allergy or asthma sufferers. Because they lack ducts running through your home, these allergens cannot travel as easily from one area of the home to the other. That helps to minimize the number of particles traveling throughout the home. 

For professional and reliable heating installation in Eugene, OR, contact Comfort Flow Heating!

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